Performances of Brittany Reid's "Justified Sinners"

The premiere production of a new play about Romantic writers, Mary and Percy Shelley, will be opening this week at University of Alberta. The play was written as part of a doctoral dissertation of EFS PhD student Brittany Reid in the Department of English and Film Studies and the creative team is comprised of members from the Department of Drama.

Department of English and Film Studies - 24 August 2017

"Beginning two years after Percy's accidental drowning, Justified Sinners opens as Mary Shelley is editing, curating, and preparing to publish the first collection of her husband's poetry: The Posthumous Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley (1824). In re-reading Percy's words, Mary resurrects his haunting presence in her mind and imagines what she would say to him, if given one last chance. Justified Sinners uses the lives and writing of the Shelleys as a point of departure to explore themes of Romantic love, the often-difficult dynamics of artistic collaboration, the power of words, and the potential human costs of living a creative life."

Justified Sinners will be performed at the Second Playing Space in the Timms Centre for the Arts on August 30th, 31st, and September 1st at 7:30 pm. Admission is free and a talk back with the creative team will be held immediately following each performance.