Wednesday, January 25, 3:30 pm, HC L-3
"Off-Screen and Outside: Gilles Deleuze and the Future of Film"
Thursday, January 26 at 1:30 pm, Salter Reading Room (HC 3-95)
"Cinematically Thinking"
About Dr. Flaxman:
Professor Flaxman is an internationally recognized scholar, and one of the leading authors in the intersecting fields of Deleuzian philosophy, literature, and cinema. His edited collection The Brain Is the Screen: Deleuze and the Philosophy of Cinema (Minnesota, 2000) has been among the earliest works to address Deleuze's philosophical meditations on cinema and to make these relevant to contemporary cinema studies. He has also authored the forthcoming monographs: Gilles Deleuze and the Fabulation of Philosophy: Powers of the False, Volume I (which traces the question of style in light of Deleuze's critique of representation), Gilles Deleuze and the Philosophy of Cinema: Powers of the False, Volume II (Minnesota, an analysis of Deleuze's fabulation of cinematographic concepts), The Film/Philosophy Reader (edited with Elena Oxman), Chinatown: Cinema, Capital, History (Minnesota, on Roman Polanski's legendary neo-noir), and Understanding Cinematic Thinking (a collaborative work with Robert Sinnerbrink and Lisa Trahair, funded by the Australian Research Council). Dr. Flaxman's essays have appeared in numerous edited volumes, as well as in journals such as Discourse, Pli: Warwick Journal of Philosophy, Pynchon Notes, Symploke, Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, Journal of Neuro-Aesthetic Theory, and Spectator.
I have seen Dr. Flaxman deliver talks and conduct seminars and informal conversations with graduate students, and have been amazed at the depth of his knowledge of philosophy, the ease of his teaching style, and the excitement he communicates when he talks about ideas. Please don't miss out on the opportunity of meeting this amazing scholar.
Elena del Rio
EFS Visiting Speakers Chair