Richard Van Camp, 2011-12 Writer-in-Residence

Our Writer-in-Residence Richard Van Camp's powerful and irreverent first novel, The Lesser Blessed, will soon become a movie...

17 October 2011

Our Writer-in-Residence Richard Van Camp's powerful and irreverent first novel, The Lesser Blessed, will soon become a movie. Producers tells us that the movie, like the book, will show us the most original teenage characters in recent Canadian cinema. Richard will be heading North this week (October 4-7) to help with auditions. Check out the movie's website:

Mark your calendars: Richard's first public reading is slated for October 28, 3:30 pm. He will be reading alongside last year's Writer-in-Residence, Tim Bowling, who will return to read from work he produced during his residency.

For more information about Richard Van Camp and the Writer-in-Residence Program, please see: Writer-in-Residence Profile.