Research Resources

Ethics Review

Each proposal must pass three levels of ethics review, depending on how many Emergency Department resources the study requires.

1. Human Ethics Research Online (HERO)

The ethics review process for all faculty, staff, and students of the University of Alberta (U of A) Health Sciences Faculties, Alberta Health Services, and the Covenant Health. HERO is governed by The Health Research Ethics Board (HREB) which has two review panels: Biomedical and Health Research (the panel chosen depends on the specific interest of the research being conducted). The HERO system can be accessed online through; for assistance , contact Alice Fritch at 780-492-0839

2. Operational Approval

This level of approval is obtained from the Northern Alberta Clinical Trials and Research Centre (NACTRAC). Researchers can seek approval online from any resource including staff and property within Alberta Health Services that may be utilize for the purpose of their research. For projects involving the ED, approval is obtained from Nursing administrator/Manager following study review. Multiple approvals (ED, laboratory, pharmacy, radiology, and other sites) may be required before beginning your research. For details, visit, or contact the Clinical Research Administrator at 780-407-6041.

3. Administrative Approval

This level of approval is required from Alberta Health Services following HREB approval and all operational approvals. Contact the Clinical Research Administrator at at 780-407-6041.


Summer Student Recruitment

If you have a research project requiring summer students follow these steps:

1. Notify the Research Initiatives Coordinator

Students interested in summer research work in Emergency Medicine regularly conact staff within the department. The Research Initiatives Coordinator will be able to assist you to identify any interested students, as well as assist you throughout the entire process of recruitment.

2. Define the position needs

Create a brief document describing the needs of the project and the position. Include start and end times of the position, as well as the expected workload. 

3. Funding the position

It is highly recommended that the summer student and/or principal investigator apply for a summer studentship like the Alberta Innovates Summer Studentship, or from any other agency offering similar type of funding. The call for applications for the following Summer typically starts in the Fall of the previous year, and the deadline to submit an application is in the first few weeks of the year during which the research work will take place, so plan accordingly.

Alternatively, if there are existing research funds that can fund the position, these can be used, hower, keep in mind that funding the position this way is more expensive since the student is hired as support staff with all the associated benefits and administrative requirements, so budget accordingly. 

4. Create a posting for the position

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry has a summer student posting board where researchers can post available positions. Login using your CCID and create the posting with the required information. Once a suitable student has been identified remove the post.

5. Complete the administrative process for the recruitment

Once a suitable student is identified notify the Research Initatives Coordinator and follow the instructions provided by the administrative staff to complete the hiring. 


University of Alberta Ethics Links

University of Alberta Research

Research Funding Agencies