How to Apply

Program application deadline – May 1, 2025

Applications are accepted from October 1 - May 1 for Fall term admission.

Entrance to this program is competitive with a maximum of 14 spots in each incoming class. You must meet both Academic and Artistic requirements based on an audition, interview and a review of additional materials. Please see the current Academic Requirements.

If you are a High School applicant, or if you will not have enough university credits for direct entry, follow the instructions below (3).

All applicants requesting an audition must apply on-line at:

The following additional materials are to be included in your application. Follow instructions for uploading materials, requesting letters of reference, and submitting transcripts when you apply.

Letter of Intent

Please address your letter to: Coordinator, BFA Acting Program. Your letter should be one page maximum, indicating why you want to enter the BFA Acting Program. Include information about your previous theatre experience and/or a key experience as a performer (may include workshops, projects or plays).

Theatre Resume

Please include your preferred name, contact information, and education. List your theatre experience (name of production/play, director, role in the production, and where it was presented) followed by any courses or training you have taken (at school or in the community). You may also list any "special skills" that relate to performance of any kind.


Headshots typically include your shoulders and up, but any photo of you will do. It does not need to be professionally taken.

Please follow instructions below pertaining to what type of applicant you are:

Choose BFA Acting as your 1st choice and pay a non-refundable $75.00 fee (payable by credit card or Visa Debit only when applying online).

This will be bring up a checklist of items to be uploaded to complete the application. Your program will not be switched to BFA Acting unless you are offered a spot in the program. If not offered a spot, you will continue in the program you are in.

There is a non-refundable $125 application fee (payable by credit card or Visa Debit only when applying online).

Choose BFA Acting as your first choice and BA Drama major as your second choice. This will bring up a checklist of items to be uploaded to complete the application. You will not be officially moved to BFA Acting unless you are offered a spot in the program. If not offered a spot, you will be offered a spot in the BA Drama major program if you meet the academic admission requirements.

There is a non-refundable $125 application fee (payable by credit card or Visa Debit only when applying online).

If you are in Grade 12, we encourage you to audition in February 2024. If you are selected, we will guarantee a spot for you to enter the 3-year BFA Acting program in Fall 2025. You can still choose to do your 1st year (referred to as pre-professional year) here at the U of A, or you can choose to do it at a different post-secondary institution as long as the credits transfer into the U of A. If you are selected you will also receive close mentorship if you choose to complete your pre-professional year at the U of A.

While you can choose any degree program at the U of A to fulfill your pre-professional year requirement, most applicants choose:

  • BA Drama Major (or)
  • Combined BA (Drama)/BEd Secondary

Information on both programs can be found at:

Once you have submitted your program application, please then also submit an audition application via the google form available on this page. An undergraduate advisor will contact you with the details of your audition.

Applicants to any BA program require an average that is competitive for the given year on 5 eligible high school subjects, as follows.

Academic Admission Requirements:

  • English 30-1
  • Four other eligible 30 level subjects
  • Of these four subjects, a maximum of one eligible 30-level Fine Arts course may be used
  • Of these five classes, no mark can be below 50%
  • Your admission average will automatically be calculated on the 5 highest grades that meet these requirements

Examples of classes used for admission: Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Science 30, Mathematics 31, Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2, Computing Science ADV (CTS - 5 credits), Social Studies 30-1, 30-level language other than English.