Emergency Financial Support for Drama students
If you are a Drama student in financial need, you have several options:
Emergency loans
Were you expecting a student loan, scholarship or other payment, but have bills due before you will receive the funds? Student Financial Support offers interest-free emergency loans. https://www.ualberta.ca/registrar/scholarships-awards-financial-support/bursaries-emergency-funding/emergency-loan.html
Emergency bursaries
For unexpected expenses, the following help is available:
- Undergraduate students: supplemental bursaries are available through Student Financial Support https://www.ualberta.ca/registrar/scholarships-awards-financial-support/bursaries-emergency-funding/supplementary-bursary.html
- Graduate students: The Graduate Student's Association offers emergency bursaries https://www.ualberta.ca/graduate-students-association/funding/gsa-emergency-bursaries.html
- International students: Contact International Student Services to ask about available emergency financial assistance: https://www.ualberta.ca/international/about-uai/contact-us/international-services-centre.htmlhttps://www.ualberta.ca/international-student-services/services-support-guide/bursaries-loans
- Department of Drama emergency bursary: if you need additional assistance and have already accessed or are unable to access the above resources, the Drama emergency bursary can help. Simply fill out the short application form at the link and someone from the Drama office will contact you. https://forms.gle/gVYz7FBiXv2jqBSs7