Drama teachers, staff and students in the spotlight at Faculty of Arts 2014 Awards Night

The Faculty of Arts celebrated excellence in teaching, research and service with an awards ceremony at the Faculty Club on the evening of May 6, 2014. Please join the Department of Drama in warmly congratulating each of our award recipients.

7 May 2014

The Faculty of Arts celebrated excellence in teaching, research and service with an awards ceremony at the Faculty Club on the evening of May 6, 2014. Please join the Department of Drama in warmly congratulating each of our award recipients.

The University of Alberta's Teaching Unit Award was awarded to the BFA Acting Teaching Unit. This award recognizes teaching excellence that occurs as a result of the collaboration of the following acting instructors: Sandra Nicholls, David Ley, Betty Moulton, Lin Snelling, Michael Kennard, Kathleen Weiss, Kim McCaw, Jan Selman, Marie Nychka, Jan Henderson, Kim Mattice-Wanat and Jean-Pierre Fournier.

Sandra Nicholls was awarded the Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Teaching award and also awarded the Rutherford Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. Sandy teaches in the BA, BFA Acting and MFA Directing programs and students across programs regularly cite her as the teacher who had the most impact on them.

Jessy Ardern was honoured with a 2014 Roger S. Smith Undergraduate Research Award, receiving $5000 to cover 15 weeks of research-based activity over the summer for his project "Corday/David: Towards a New Play."

David Prestley, TIMMS event coordinator and theatre administrator was recognized for his outstanding service as a staff member. David has been the face of the TIMMS Centre for the past seven years, administrating our six play Studio Theatre season and looking after all the facility's rental event details with grace and humour.

Three of Drama's graduate student teachers were awarded with teaching awards:

Brendan Nearey is an outstanding teacher in our Production area, teaching Stage Carpentry, Production Crew and Production Labs. Students appreciate his hands-on approach and how he blends theory with problem solving and practice.

Val Planche teaches acting and theatre practice across Drama's programs. Her students say she is an inspiring professional who cares deeply about them.

Megan Watson is a promising young director who has taught three acting and play analysis courses in Drama. She is a master at giving articulate and meaningful feedback to her students.