Days of Action Contests
World Hello Day Draw
November 1- 30, 2023
Contest information
We know social connection is good for us, but we also know meeting new people can be challenging for many reasons and sometimes can be a low priority because life gets busy — especially during midterms. Take some time to care for your social well-being. If you try one of the suggestions on the calendar, you are eligible to win one of four prize packages.
Find eligible events on our World Hello Day Calendar. Click on the event to access the ballot form once you have participated.
Prize Packages:
- 1 board game
- 1 drop-in pass to a Campus and Community Recreation Fitness Class
- 1 lunch box kit from Campus and Community Recreation
- 1 coffee tumbler and Daily Grind voucher from Unitea
1 journal and pen from Wellness Supports
Contest details
- Each event you attend, or suggestion you try qualifies you for one ballot entry. The more you try, the more entries you get!
- If you attend any of the following events, you qualify for three entries:
- November 21: Campus Social Hour at North Campus
- November 21: Self Portraits at Campus Saint-Jean
- November 21: Graduate Student Association Coffee Break x Campus Social Hour
- All University of Alberta students, staff and faculty residing in Alberta can participate. Anyone outside these parameters cannot.
- Contest closes November 30, 11:59 p.m. Four winners will be notified by December 1.