Episode 7. The Goldilocks Zone

People are always telling you to find work-life balance. It’s easy to say, but why is it so hard to do? In this episode, current and former grad students talk about the guilt of saying no, the anxiety of proving they belong and the mistakes they made along the way. They tell us that finding the perfect balance – and staying there, in the Goldilocks Zone – may be an impossible dream.

Suman Varghese and Rob Desjardins - 14 April 2023


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Books and Websites


Brus, C. (2006). Seeking Balance in Graduate School: A Realistic Expectation or a Dangerous Dilemma? Supporting Graduate and Professional Students: The Role of Student Affairs, 115, 31-45. https://doi.org/10.1002/ss.214

Yusuf, J-E (Wie), Saitgalina, M., & Chapman, D.W. (2020). Worklife balance and well-being of graduate students. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 26:4, 458-483. DOI: 10.1080/15236803.2020.1771990.