What is blended learning?
Blended learning (sometimes called flipped, hybrid, or mixed-mode learning) is an instructional approach that combines face-to-face and online learning. Approaches to blended learning are diverse, and there is no set template for implementing a blended course.
What is the recommended ratio of face-to-face and online time?
While there is no set ratio that would be ideal for every blended course, The Sloan Consortium specifies that 30%-79% of instruction is delivered online in a blended course (Allen, Seaman & Garrett, 2007, p.5).
I am considering teaching a blended course but I don’t think I have the technical skills necessary. What should I do?
There are a number of ways you can get the technical support you need and improve your skills so that you feel confident teaching a blended course. CTL offers tutorials and training on a variety of technologies, or you can book an individual consultation. You can learn about eClass (Moodle) through Moodle 101 (a self-paced guide to the features of Moodle through short screencast videos and examples) or through IST support.
Where can I find resources and support?
We have a number of resources available on this website. To learn more about how blended learning has been implemented in courses at the University of Alberta, browse some case studies. We also have compiled some information about how to design, deliver, and evaluate your blended course. If you need assistance with technology, see the FAQ above or contact us. On our website you will also find links to a number of other resources including journal articles and websites that you may find helpful.
What funding is available?
The Provost’s Digital Learning Committee (PDLC) has established funding to support faculty interested in redeveloping an undergraduate course into a blended learning format through the University of Alberta Blended Learning Awards.
Why should I use eClass (Moodle) in the development of my blended course?
While a number of learning management systems (LMS) exist, the University of Alberta has adopted eClass (Moodle). The system is quick to learn and there are a number of eClass training opportunities and supports available for faculty at the University of Alberta. eClass also allows you to integrate numerous aspects of your course within one system, including but not limited to: syllabi, readings, videos, formative and summative evaluations, discussion boards, course messaging, assignment submission, grade books, and more. Further, the adoption of one LMS by faculty provides a consistent experience for students across their courses; it means that one login provides all of the information and resources students need, all in one place.
How long does it take to develop a blended course?
This varies considerably depending on how much of the course you intend to blend (i.e. the whole course or just a few modules or units), how you plan to organize the course and what resources or activities you plan to develop. Even the amount of time required to create specific resources can vary depending on your approach, needs, and the technology you choose to use. For example, the creation of tutorial videos can require a minimal time investment (e.g. recording a lecture you’re already giving) or can be extremely time consuming (e.g. scripted, animated videos). The feedback we’ve received from instructors is that developing a blended course requires a significant up-front time investment, but the workload decreases significantly after implementation. In subsequent years, the time to prepare for a (previously developed) blended course would be approximately equivalent to a non-blended course.
What should I do about copyright?
It is best to familiarize yourself with the rules and practices surrounding copyright well in advance of your course and allow 6-8 weeks to obtain permission to use a copyrighted resource. We strongly urge you to visit the Copyright Office Website for more information.