Access, Community, and Belonging Resources

Accessibility Resources: offers practical approaches and strategies for supporting equitable teaching and learning, especially for students with disabilities, chronic conditions, and neurodivergence

The resources in the Accessibility, Community, and Belonging section of our webpage offers insight and practical tips for modelling and nurturing accessibility, transparency, accountability, and relationality in teaching and learning communities.

Access and Accessibility Resources

Welcome to The Accessibility Resource Series! This series offers practical approaches and strategies for supporting equitable teaching and learning, especially for students with disabilities, chronic conditions, and neurodivergence. Additional support is available by requesting a consultation

This series is a collaboration between the following University of Alberta partners:

  • Centre for Teaching and Learning
  • Accessibility & Accommodations Services
  • Online Learning and Continuing Education
  • Information Services and Technology
Essential Practices in Accessible Teaching

Essential Practices in Accessible Teaching

Explore these resources if you're just starting out and unsure where to begin, or if you're pressed for time yet keen to implement accessible strategies:

Community and Belonging Resources

Explore these resources for strategies that support critical self-reflection, authentic relationship-building, and navigating complex or difficult conversations in teaching and learning communities.

Social Location

Developing a Social Location Statement for Teaching Reflection and Growth

Reflecting on and writing about our social location can guide how we model and embody inclusive and equitable teaching practices. It also supports authentic teaching and learning by nurturing transparency and relationality with learners.


Teaching During Global and Geopolitical Crisis Resource

We have curated the following list of resources to provide those involved with learning / teaching with accessible and concrete approaches that may help support affected students in trauma-informed and relational ways during a time of geopolitical crisis.