Patti Clayton CSL workshop: Designing the Integration of Critical Reflection and Assessment within Community Service-Learning courses
A special workshop co-hosted by CTL and Community Service-Learning
Thursday, May 2, 2019 (Concurrent Session at the Festival of Teaching and Learning)
3 hour workshop from 10:15 a.m. - 2 p.m. (lunch provided)
Edmonton Clinic Health Academy (ECHA) 1-190
Have you ever said, or heard, that "experience is the best teacher"? Most of us have. Problem is, when we stop to think about it, we know it's really not. Experience alone, as Dewey told us, is apt to be mis-educative. It is, rather, critical reflection on experience that may be our best teacher; without doubt, it is key to learning, inquiry, and change in community service-learning. It is also challenging to design, facilitate, undertake, and assess in part because it is often highly counternormative. In this highly interactive, hands-on workshop we will use a conceptual framework for designing community service-learning that emphasizes tight alignment between learning goals, critical reflection, and assessment. And we will work with research-grounded frameworks and tools -- specifically, the DEAL Model of Critical Reflection -- for designing critical reflection to generate, deepen, and document learning in ways that can improve practice and inquiry. Participants will receive a substantial packet of example critical reflection assignments and rubrics, worksheets, and references and will leave the session with concrete ideas for enhancing their use of critical reflection.
Patti H. Clayton
Patti H. Clayton was born and raised and continues to live in North Carolina - with her husband, Kevin, and their feline family. She has worked with several campuses across Canada over the past decade and was thrilled to be able to visit Banff a few years ago and to be part of a scholarship project with faculty and staff in this region.
Patti is an independent consultant (PHC Ventures) with 20 years of experience as a practitioner-scholar and educational developer in service-learning and community engagement (SLCE) and in experiential education; 10 of those years were spent building a campus program and teaching with SLCE in a variety of courses in NC. She serves as a Senior Scholar with 2 campuses in the States and has consulted with well over 100 colleges, universities, and higher education organizations in Canada, Ireland, and the US. Patti co-developed the DEAL Model of Critical Reflection, the SOFAR-CIP partnership model, the TRES protocol for assessing partnership quality, the DPI model for institutional transformation, and emerging work on Democratically Engaged Assessment. She was co-editor with Bringle and Hatcher of the 2-volume set Research on Service Learning: Conceptual Frameworks and Assessment and co-authored the Democratic Engagement White Paper with Saltmarsh and Hartley. She has co-authored over 50 book chapters and articles and is finally learning to write blog posts (see Patti's current interests include walking the talk of democratic engagement; designing critical reflection for civic learning; conceptualizing place-engaged SLCE; and integrating SLCE and relationships within the more-than-human world.