Faculty, Researchers and Administration
University of Alberta Faculty
Dr. Sandra Bucerius, Director
Email: bucerius@ualberta.ca
Twitter: @SBucerius
UAlberta Profile
Dr. Bucerius is a Professor of Sociology and Criminology at the University of Alberta (UofA) as well as the founder and inaugural Director of its Centre for Criminological Research (CCR). In 2020, she was honoured to be appointed a Henry Marshall Tory Chair.
As an urban ethnographer and qualitative researcher, Dr. Bucerius is interested in issues pertaining to social inequality in the broadest sense. She studies this by examining prisons; re-entry post prison; the victim/offender overlap; social exclusion and crime; drug dealing and gangs; and the opioid crisis. She holds numerous research grants and is the Director of a newly awarded $2.5 million SSHRC Partnership Grant on the Intersecting Issues of Justice and Injustice, examining barriers and challenges for people who move through the various institutions of the justice system (police, courts, prison, and re-entry).
Dr. Bucerius is the Co-Editor of the Oxford University Press (OUP) Handbook series in Criminology (together with Michael Tonry) and has held several leadership positions in different academic and community contexts. For example, she has been serving on the editorial advisory board of the American Society of Criminology (ASC)’s flagship journal Criminology since 2018 and, serves on the editorial boards of Crime and Justice and of Incarceration. She has taken on several roles within the ASC, has organized multiple conferences at UofA, and is serving on the Rat für Migration in Germany and on Edmonton’s Police Chief’s academic advisory board.
As the Director of the CCR, she is organizing annual conferences, bringing together leading scholars, stakeholders, and practitioners, organize annual speaker series, pod casts, and discussion rounds between policy officials and academics.
Dr. Bucerius is also the Director of the University of Alberta prison project (UAPP), the largest mixed methods study on Canadian prisons in the history of Canadian criminology and examines how fentanyl and carfentanyl have changed the prison experience for prisoners and guards; whether prisons are spaces in which radicalization occurs and spreads; prison gangs; and the victim-offender overlap. In a second project, she is looking at how police officers perceive the risk of synthetic opioids. Dr. Bucerius has held several research agreements with Correctional Service Canada, Public Safety, Justice Alberta, and the Edmonton and Calgary Police Service. Her five-year ethnography with drug dealers Unwanted - Muslim Immigrants, Dignity and Drug Dealing appeared with Oxford University Press in 2014 and received glowing reviews in many leading academic journals. She is also co-editor of the Oxford Handbook on Ethnicity, Crime and Immigration (with Michael Tonry), the Oxford Handbook on Ethnographies of Crime and Criminal Justice (with Kevin Haggerty and Luca Beradi), as well as the Crime and Justice Review Book on Prisons and Prisoners (with Michael Tonry – Chicago University Press). Her numerous journal articles appear in Criminology, Crime and Justice, International Journal of Drug Policy, British Journal of Criminology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, the Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, among others.
Dr. Kevin Haggerty
Email: khaggert@ualberta.ca
Twitter: @kevindhaggerty
UAlberta Profile
Kevin D. Haggerty is a Killam Research Laureate and Tier I Canada Research Chair. He has been the executive editor of the Canadian Journal of Sociology since 2007. He is professor of sociology and criminology at the University of Alberta and his research has been in the area of surveillance, governance, policing, and risk. Currently he is co-PI (with Dr. Sandra Bucerius) of the University of Alberta Prison Project. He is a member of Canadian Research Network on Terrorism, Security and Society (TSAS), the Canadian Research Initiative on Substance Misuse (CRISM), and executive member of the Canadian Society for Evidence-Based Policing. Along with his colleague Aaron Doyle he recently published the book 57 Ways to Screw Up in Graduate School (University of Chicago Press) which provides a series of pragmatic lessons designed to help students avoid the pitfalls of graduate education. He is also the Chair of the Department of Sociology at the University of Alberta.
Introducing Dr. Kevin Haggerty
Dr. Bryan Hogeveen
Email: bryan.hogeveen@ualberta.ca
Dr. Bryan Hogeveen received his PhD in Criminology from the University of Toronto. His interdisciplinary work merges his scholarly research and areas of social engagement. His main areas of scholarship intersect at three distinct points: 1) sociological engagement with sport; 2) youth in/and society; and 3) social theory. He is co-author (with Joanne Minaker) of Youth, Crime and Society: Issues of Power and Justice (2009) and the edited collection of essays, Criminalized Mothers, Criminalized Mothering (2015).
Dr. Hogeveen is a proud father of 3 children (Ayden, Taryk and Maylah), a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt, and can most often be found in one arena or another.
Dr. Jana Grekul
Email: jana.grekul@ualberta.ca
Jana Grekul is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Director of the BA Criminology program. Her research interests include women’s experiences with the criminal justice system and re-entry post-incarceration, eugenics, gangs, and critical pedagogy. Current research projects include an exploration of women’s re-entry to community post-incarceration and she is part of an international team of researchers examining the sterilization and forced contraception of immigrant and Indigenous women in Canada, Peru, and Indonesia. Pursuing her research and personal interest in gender and recreational activities, “Women and Bikes: Gender and Motorcycle Culture” is a research study that involves interviews and ethnography.
Dr. Temitope Oriola
Email: oriola@ualberta.ca
Temitope Oriola is professor of criminology and sociology and associate dean in the Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta. A recipient of the Governor General of Canada Academic Gold Medal, Oriola is author of Criminal Resistance? The Politics of Kidnapping Oil Workers, one of a small number of book-length sociological investigations of political kidnapping in the English language. Oriola’s research encompasses police use of force, resource insurgencies and terrorism studies. Professor Oriola is a recipient of the CAFA Distinguished Academic Award and president-elect of the Canadian Sociological Association(CSA).
Introducing Dr. Temitope Oriola
Dr. Marta-Marika Urbanik
Email: urbanik@ualberta.ca
Dr. Urbanik is an urban ethnographer, specializing in drugs, gangs, violence, social media, and policing in the Canadian context. To date, Dr. Urbanik has conducted almost 1,000 interviews with marginalized community members, including criminally-involved persons, gang members, drug dealers, marginalized women, prisoners, people experiencing houselessness, and people who use drugs, across multiple Canadian cities, provinces, and territories. Accordingly, her research agenda centers and amplifies the lived experiences of populations typically considered to be ‘hard to reach,’ whose views and experiences
are frequently overlooked, silenced, and discounted. Her work is published in some of the premiere venues in the field, including the British Journal of Criminology, International Journal of Drug Policy, Qualitative Sociology, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Social Science & Medicine: Qualitative Research in Health, and Feminist Criminology.
Dr. Urbanik is committed to advancing empirical research that contributes to scholarly debates, policy, and best practices in Canada and internationally with respect to police-community relations, police misconduct, gentrification, gang relations, and drug policy. As such, she routinely secures internal and external research funding, ensuring she always has a robust research agenda. She also regularly presents her research at national and international conferences, including at venues of the American Society for Criminology (Washington, Atlanta, New Orleans, Philadelphia, San Fransisco), the Western Society of Criminology (Hawaii, Vancouver), Canadian Sociological Association (Calgary), the American Sociological Association (Montreal), the Eurogang Network (Sweden, Netherlands, Germany), the Surveillance Studies Network (Spain), and Law & Society Association (Portugal). In addition, Dr. Urbanik regularly serves as a consultant for municipal and provincial/territorial governments, and community organizations and as an expert witness for criminal trials.
Justin EC Tetrault, PhD
Email: jtetraul@ualberta.ca
Twitter: @ECtetrault
Research Gate
Justin is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Alberta, Augustana Campus. He specializes in qualitative methodology, prisons, race and decolonization, extremism, and political sociology, and is currently working on two research projects.
The first is a semi-ethnographic study of Canada’s right-wing nationalist movement. This project critiques the dominant criminological and “countering-violent extremism” research on the Canadian far-right. Contrasting these approaches, Justin develops a social movement and cultural studies framework for studying this issue, showing how right-wing nationalist groups are intimately connected to mainstream Canadian culture. His arguments are based on participant-observation at rallies and interviews with current organizers and supporters of nationalist groups. Justin has published two articles from this project, one in Current Sociology, titled “What’s hate got to do with it?: right-wing movements and the hate stereotype” and the second in The British Journal of Criminology, titled “Thinking beyond extremism: a critique of counterterrorism research on right-wing nationalist and far-right social movements”. He is working on a third piece from this project concerning right-wing populism in Canada.
Justin is also a senior researcher and project manager of the University of Alberta Prison Project, a multi-year study of life experiences inside prisons in Western Canada. He recently published on Indigenized prison programming and decolonial prison research methods in a piece called “Indigenizing Prisons: A Canadian Case Study” for Crime and Justice: A Review of Research vol. 51. He also wrote an article with Drs. Sandra Bucerius and Kevin Haggerty titled “Multiculturalism Under Confinement: Prisoner Race Relations Inside Western Canadian Prisons”, published in Sociology. The piece examines race politics in Canadian prisons and how prisoners internalize Canada’s national mythology, particularly multiculturalism.
Justin’s other research interests include social theory, visual sociology, and surveillance studies. Justin is a proud citizen of the Manitoba Métis Nation and a dean-appointed member of the Indigenous Engagement Advisory Committee (IEAC) which is working to further develop Augustana’s Indigenous studies program.
Dr. Jeffrey Brassard
Email: jrb5@ualberta.ca
Jeffrey Brassard is the administrative coordinator for the Center for Criminological Research and an Assistant Instructor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Alberta. Jeffrey was Researcher in Residence at St. Joseph’s College University of Alberta from 2018-2020, where he was principal investigator on the Catholic Edmonton Research project, which examined the state of Catholicism in Edmonton and the relationship of Catholic agencies and organization to civil society in the Alberta Capital Region.
Jeffrey is also a media and cultural studies researcher whose research focuses on television in the Russian Federation and Evangelical Christian media in North America
He is a regular presenter at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies’ annual conference. His work is published in Media Industries Journal, VIEW Journal of European Television and Culture, Palabre Clave, and the Journal of Popular Film and Television.