Business PhD Spotlight: Jen Sloan

Research that explores how organizations use algorithms and data to make decisions and shape the future.

PhD candidate Jennifer Sloan’s journey from the classroom to the boardroom sparked her interest in understanding how organizations learn, adapt and make decisions. After transitioning from teaching to management consulting, Sloan pursued an MBA at the University of Alberta to enhance her consulting skills. It was during her MBA that she discovered her passion for research.

“During my second semester of the MBA program, I was hired as a research assistant by my now-supervisors,” says Sloan. “I found myself immersed in this fascinating world of management research while still learning the ‘best practices’ taught in my courses. And I loved the blend of theory and practice: the tensions between them. And that’s what ultimately led me to pursue a PhD in Strategic Management and Organization.”


Sloan’s research investigates how organizations leverage algorithms and data to make strategic decisions and shape their future. Her recent publication in the Journal of Management Studies, co-authored with Vern Glaser and Joel Gehman, introduces the metaphor of “organizations as algorithms” to advance management theory in the era of big data and algorithmic decision-making.

Their article questions conventional understandings of decision-making in organizations that rely heavily on algorithms. It argues that in the age of algorithmic decision-making, the power to make decisions doesn’t lie solely with humans or algorithms but emerges from the complex interplays between and around them.

The article also emphasizes the critical importance of machine-readable data — information that computers can easily process and analyze — as the foundation of modern organizational decision-making and structure. Additionally, it explores how computer programming and the practice of “prompting” algorithms with specific questions or commands are reshaping expertise and altering the relationship between organizations and technology.

“AI is moving so fast and it’s key that we understand how our increasing reliance on algorithms and data is transforming organizations and decision-making processes,” says Sloan. “By developing new theoretical frameworks, we can unpack and better navigate these complex dynamics.”

Sloan’s enthusiasm for research extends beyond her own work. Her involvement with the Alberta Business Family Institute, where she develops and presents materials for business family audiences, has enriched her understanding of multigenerational enterprises and underscored her dedication to bridging the gap between academic research and practical application. Her journey reflects a deep commitment to advancing our understanding of how organizations strategize and adapt in an ever-evolving landscape.

Jennifer Sloan joined the Alberta School of Business in 2019 as a PhD student specializing in Strategic Management and Organization, under the supervision of professor Vern Glaser and associate professor Christopher Steele.