Arts Work Experience Program Options

Arts Work Experience consists of flexible program options for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts that integrates academic and workplace learning. Students enrolled in Arts degrees at Campus Saint-Jean, Augustana and the Faculty of Native studies are also eligible to join AWE - see eligibility requirements below. 

  • Arts Co-operative Education Program
  • Discipline Specific Internships (Planning, Psychology & Environmental Studies)
  • Individual Work Terms

Arts Co-operative Education: 

Arts Co-op is an optional program open to all undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts. The program alternates periods of paid, full-time employment with academic semesters. Students are able to put the transferable skills they gain in the classroom to work in professional settings for periods of four, eight, 12 or 16 months. Upon completing 12-months of work experience with one or more employers, Students will receive an “Arts Co-operative Education Program” designation on their degree parchment.

Discipline Specific Internships:

Students enrolled in the BA Planning, BA Psychology, or BA Environmental Studies may add paid, full-time work experience to their degree programs by successfully completing at least 8-months of work experience. Upon completing 8-months of work experience with one or more employers, Students will receive an “Arts Co-operative Education Program” designation on their degree parchment.

Individual Work Terms: 

Students may add paid, full-time  work experience to their degree by taking on a single 4- or 8-month work term(s) and registering in individual WKEXP courses. A student who successfully completes one or more Arts WKEXP course(s), as well as the required pre- and post employment career education, but does not complete all the requirements of the Co-op program, will have the completion of the courses noted on their transcript, but will receive no designation.

AWE Prospective Student Handbook

Eligibility - All Programs


To be eligible for Arts Work Experience programs, students must:

  • Be a continuing undergraduate student in a Bachelor of Arts degree program (General or Honors) at North Campus including Faculty of Native studies, Campus Saint-Jean, and Augustana 
  • Be in good academic standing (minimum 2.3 GPA)
  • Have completed between 24-105 credits

Meeting minimum eligibility criteria does not guarantee program acceptance. See Co-operative Education (Work Experience) Program complete calendar entry for more details.

How to Apply

How to Apply:

Check out the AWE Prospective Student Handbook for more information about AWE and how to apply. To apply to Arts Work Experience, fill out an application in campusBRIDGE. Login under the "students" menu using your CCID and password. Once in, click "Arts Work Experience (AWE)" in the left hand navigation menu to be directed to the AWE application. *If you have any issues accessing campusBRIDGE please contact

You will be required to submit three documents:

  • Statement of interest that includes the following: a description of why you want to participate in an AWE program option, and how you anticipate that it may impact your future career goals; the career, industry or employment sector(s) that you are most interested in; and the skills that you hope to develop during your work experience term(s). Please include your anticipated start date (September, January, or May) and the length of work term you hope to participate in (4, 8, 12, or 16 months). Your statement of interest should be a maximum of one page (single spaced).
  • A copy of your resume
  • A copy of your unofficial transcript (downloaded from BearTracks)
    Book an intake meeting with Arts Co-op Staff:

Attend an Intake Orientation Session with AWE Staff:
After you have submitted your application to AWE, you will receive a link via your ualberta email to register for an Intake Orientation Session. Intake orientations will be held in group settings, either in-person or online via zoom. Online sessions will not be recorded.

Attending one session is mandatory. In order to be accepted into AWE you MUST attend ONE Intake Orientation Session facilitated by a Work Experience Coordinator. Failure to attend an Intake Orientation Session could result in the removal of your AWE application.

If you are unable to attend any of the sessions, please email

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Arts Work Experience welcomes applications from all qualified candidates, including Indigenous persons; members of visible minority groups; persons with disabilities; and persons of any sexual orientations and gender identities and expression.

If you require accommodations in the application process please contact us at

Contact Us

Arts Career Centre
1-17 Humanities Centre (HC)
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Closed (noon - 1 p.m.) Wednesday open at 10 a.m.
