
The Faculty of Arts offers students certificate programs which can be completed in conjunction with their degrees and are granted at the time of graduation.

Certificates in Arts provide students with unique opportunities to enhance their undergraduate program and explore a special area of interest. Certificate programs allow for interdisciplinary exploration of a field of study and different methods of learning. Certificates also give students a head start entering the workforce as proof of their further studies and training in specific skill sets.

For an up-to-date and fully detailed list of Arts certificates, please visit the University of Alberta Calendar.

  • Applied Social Science Research
  • Archaeology
  • Civil - Military Leadership
  • Community Engagement and Service-Learning
  • Community Linguist Certificate
  • Computer Game Development
  • Economics and Management of Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment (EMNREE)
  • Ethics
  • European Studies
  • Finance
  • Globalization and Governance
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • International Learning
  • Language Documentation and Revitalization
  • MLCS Certificate in Translation Studies
  • Peace and Post-Conflict Studies
  • Research Certificate in Arts (Psychology)
  • Sexuality Studies Certificate
  • Translation Studies in Japanese
  • World Sound Arts
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