Alberta Chapters

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The Alumni Chapter consists of 15+ volunteers who organize 12 events a year including a dedicated Calgary Lecture Series featuring four researchers a year. Other events range from family activities to sporting events and educational experiences with local alumni. The Alumni Chapter also organizes an annual Welcome Program to welcome new grads to the city.

For more information on how to get involved please contact Chelsea Livingstone.


There is one annual alumni reception featuring a UAlberta researcher. The Alumni Chapter organizes ad-hoc activities throughout the year.

For more information or how to get involved please contact Chelsea Livingstone


Fort McMurray

Every February / March, we host our annual Family Tubing and Chalet dinner at Vista Ridge.

For more information or how to get involved please contact Regional Chapters.

Grande Prairie

There is one annual alumni reception featuring a UAlberta researcher in February / March and networking opportunities for younger grads in the area.

For more information or how to get involved please contact Regional Chapters