Dean of Students Leadership Team

Dr. Ravina Sanghera

Vice-Provost and Dean of Students

Dr. Sanghera is the Dean of Students and a Clinical Associate Professor in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. She has significant experience in the areas of student mental health and wellness, access and accessibility, professional identity formation, student-faculty relationships and academic excellence through prior appointments as acting Associate Dean of Students and Assistant Dean of Student Services in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Dr. Sanghera aims to position the Dean of Students as a leader in student affairs, an ally for the colleges and faculties and a hub of critical resources for the campus community. She is committed to fostering a meaningful, uplifting and personal student experience in which students flourish and impact the university community and beyond.

Tim Tang

Associate Vice-President (Student Experience)

Tim is an experienced higher education leader with a background in student affairs, enrolment management, internationalization, and advancement and alumni relations. As the Associate Vice-President (Student Experience), Tim oversees a broad and complex complement of student services that include the Career Centre, First Peoples' House, Orientation and Transition Services, the Undergraduate Research Initiative, Community Wellness and Sexual Violence Supports, and University Athletics. He also leads strategic initiatives to facilitate engagement of all students, grow our institutional understanding of diverse student experiences, and implement the Student Experience Action Plan. Tim currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education and as Chair of the Senior Student Services Officers group within the Alberta post-secondary network.

Tim is dedicated to fostering transformative student experiences both in and outside the classroom and aims to establish a culture of collaboration and support, improve student engagement and retention, and facilitate success for a diverse population of learners. He brings a student-centered and evidence-informed approach to his work as an educator, administrator, and leader in higher education. His research interests are in the areas of educational leadership and policy, governance, and organizational and institutional change.

Shana Dion

Assistant Dean, First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Students

Tânisi nitotemtik. Shana Dion, nitisiyihkâson ekwa Nehiyaw iskwew niya Kehewin Cree Nation ochi niya.

Hello, my friends. My name is Shana Dion and I am a Cree woman from Kehewin Cree Nation. It is important that I introduced myself in Cree because it grounds me in who I am, where I come from and who I am accountable to. I am truly thankful for this opportunity to be a part of the First Nation, Métis and Inuit learners academic journey at the University of Alberta.

In my role as Assistant Dean of First Nation, Métis and Inuit learners at the University of Alberta I am dedicated and passionate about supporting the development of institutional culture, space, systems and supports that nurtures access and success for First Nation, Métis and Inuit learners now and for the next seven generations still yet to come.

My responsibility and accountability within my roles are deeply-rooted in my cultural teachings which are reflective of a holistic balance in all aspects of a students' life. I have been dedicated to supporting the First Nation, Métis and Inuit learners on campus over the past nine years as the Director of First Peoples' House and continually nurturing relationships with First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities off campus. Prior to joining the University of Alberta, I had the privilege in managing the National Addictions Awareness Week Campaign for five years with Nechi Institute and travelled across Canada to promote healthy addictions-free lifestyles to First Nation communities! I am so grateful for this opportunity to be able to continue to support and give back to my community members. I believe that practicing traditional ways and sharing traditional knowledge on campus will provide the space to bring together the larger campus community to engage, educate, and embrace our communal history!

Kevin Friese, MEd

Assistant Dean, Health and Wellness

Kevin's career has focused on a diverse set of commitments relating to students and student affairs taking him from student recruitment to student affairs and student health and wellness. With over eighteen years of experience in the field of health and wellness, Kevin has the privilege of leading a multidisciplinary team of health professionals on campus that use a holistic health & wellness framework to support the well-being of students, their families, faculty, and staff. He has a passion for supporting the health and well-being of our campus with a vision of creating communities in which each person is empowered to flourish and achieve their full academic and life potential.

Sarah Wolgemuth, MEd

Assistant Dean, Student Life

Sarah's career in supporting students at the U of A began in 2003. Her previous roles include Director of Student Services, Faculty of Law; and Assistant Dean, Residence Services. As the Assistant Dean, Student Life, Sarah brings her experience in the areas of student leadership development, orientation and transition programs, recruitment, student conduct, crisis response and case management, sexual violence response and education, and policy development. Sarah was born and raised in southern Ontario and earned a Bachelor of Kinesiology (Hons) from Brock University in 2003, and a Masters of Education in Educational Policy Studies from the U of A in 2006.

Please note: Sarah is currently seconded to the Deputy Provost (Students and Enrolment) office as Project Lead of the Student Experience Action Plan.

Laura Huxley, MA

Assistant Dean, Student Care and Accountability

Laura has worked on campus supporting students since 2012 and has held several roles within Residence Services and the Office of the Dean of Students, most recently as the Acting Assistant Dean of Student Life. Through her various roles on campus, Laura's work has focused on student leadership development, orientation and transition programs, student group programming, student conduct, crisis response and case management. Laura completed her MA at Royal Roads University in 2018 in the Higher Education Administration and Leadership program and has an undergraduate degree from the University of Guelph.