Volunteering with the University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre

For almost 30 years the University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre has provided students with engaging volunteer opportunities focused on making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and their community. With your help, we will continue to work towards creating a campus community free of sexual violence.

Volunteer Feedback

Here is just some of the feedback we’ve received from Volunteers over the years:

“Engaging in anti-sexual violence advocacy work at the University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre has provided me with a tangible way to encourage a culture of consent within the community. I have become knowledgeable about the power dynamics that surround the issue of sexual violence, as well as cultivated skills to become an empathetic supporter to survivors of sexual violence. On a personal note, my involvement with the Centre has also helped me to deepen my own relationships. I feel more capable at approaching difficult and/or emotional conversations through a caring and compassionate lens. Being part of the University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre has been incredibly fulfilling!”
“My time volunteering at the UASAC has by far been one of the highlights of my university experience! I have learned countless lessons on strength and resiliency and on the importance of caring for myself as I care for others. My capacity to listen and support others has grown so much because of this opportunity and I have been able to incorporate the skills I have learned into my personal relationships. Additionally, I have been fortunate enough to meet some of the most inspiring and deeply empathetic people because of this position: everyone in the Centre is truly dedicated to the ethics of care. The staff members are so wise, but approachable, and honestly just very kindhearted. The other volunteers are so genuine – when they ask you about your day, you can tell that they are truly interested in hearing your response. As cheesy as it sounds, it really does feel like you become part of a community when you become a volunteer! I would wholeheartedly recommend volunteering with the UASAC to anyone interested in supporting others, making friends, and strengthening their abilities as anti-sexual violence advocates!

Current Opportunities

Please note the University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre volunteer program is currently on hold. Check back here for updates.


Employees, Students


Health Wellness , Involvement
