Days of Action
The Wellness Supports team works with partners across campus on "Days of Action," providing information, engaging in discussion and challenging stigma at the University of Alberta.
Days of Action at the U of A

September: World Suicide Prevention Day
Destigmatizing the conversation around suicide.

October: World Mental Health Day
Raising awareness of mental health support and wellbeing.

November: World Hello Day
Creating and building social connections with others.

February: World Day of Social Justice
Highlighting connections between social justice and mental health.

March: International Day of Happiness
Recognizing that happiness is a fundamental human goal.
Mental health stories from our community
U of A students and staff impacted by mental health are helping reduce the stigma by sharing their own stories.
Days of Action Committee Members
- Alumni Student Support and Engagement Team
- Augustana
- Campus and Community Recreation
- Campus St. Jean
- Counselling and Clinical Services
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Engineering
- Graduate Students' Association
- Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment
- Interfaith Chaplains' Association
- International Students’ Association
- International Student and Visitor Services
- Peer Support Centre
- Residence Services
- Students' Union
- The Landing
- Unitea
- University Health Centre
- Wellness Supports