Student Awards

The following is a list of scholarships, awards and bursaries available to students in the MSc Speech-Language Pathology program. For the most up-to-date information on deadlines and requirements, visit the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) website.

BMO Financial Group Graduate Scholarship

Endowed by BMO Financial Group to support the recruitment and retention of outstanding graduate students at the University of Alberta

Eligibility: Awarded annually to two students registered in, or admitted to, a full-time PhD or thesis-based Master's program at the University of Alberta. There are no restrictions on citizenship and all disciplines are eligible for funding. The scholarship will be awarded based on superior academic achievement (minimum grade point average equivalent to a 3.5 on the University of Alberta grading scale) and demonstrated research ability or research potential.

Application: There is no application form; departments will forward one nomination to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research by June 1st and the Graduate Scholarship Committee will select the recipient.

Cheryl Harbottle and Norma Harbottle Graduate Bursary in Rehabilitation Medicine

Endowed by Cheryl Harbottle and Norma Harbottle

Value: Variable

Number: Variable

Eligibility: Awarded to students with satisfactory academic standing enrolled in a graduate degree in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. Selection based on demonstrated financial need. Preference is given to students who completed high school in rural Alberta.

Application: By application to the online Supplementary Bursary application, open 6 times annually.

Children's Ability Fund Bursary in Communication Sciences and Disorders

Field of Study: Communication Sciences and Disorders

Value: Variable

Number: Variable

Conditions: Awarded to students with satisfactory academic standing enrolled in any year of a graduate degree in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. Selection based on demonstrated financial need. Preference is given to students working to enhance the independence of children and young adults with disabilities in Alberta.

Application: By application to the Supplementary Bursary program

Funded By: Endowed by Children's Ability Fund

Deborah Kully / Alberta Elks Foundation Scholarship

Funded by the Alberta Elks Foundation in honour of Deborah Kully, a co-founder and long-time Executive Director of the Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research (ISTAR), and reflects her deep commitment and dedication to the advancement of clinical practice.

Number: 2 (These awards are non-renewable.)

Eligibility: Awarded annually to a graduate student in speech-language pathology who has committed to completing a practicum at ISTAR; who has demonstrated strong clinical skills with an interest in the area of stuttering treatment. The award is intended to assist the student in the completion of their practicum. Applicants should have excellent academic standing, be able to present evidence of significant community service and be planning on providing service in speech pathology with stuttering treatment as a component to a currently under-serviced community/region.

Application: Application for the award should be made by March 1st in the first year of study. Applicants should submit a brief curriculum vitae (in which community service can be documented), an official graduate transcript, an essay of no more than 1,000 words describing their interest in the disorder of stuttering and the goal of their studies in this field to:

Kully / Elks Graduate Award Committee
Suite 1500, College Plaza
8215 - 112 Street
Edmonton AB T6G 2C8

Notification of the award will be made by October and will be announced publicly.

Deborah Kully Scholarship in Stuttering Treatment and Research

Funded by Terrance Martens in honour of Deborah Kully, co-founder, first Clinical Director and long-serving Executive Director of the Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research (ISTAR)

Value: $2,500 at the Masters level; $5,000 at the PhD level. The award is non-renewable. Two Masters awards or one PhD award will be offered annually.

Eligibility: Awarded annually to students(s) with superior academic achievement continuing in rehabilitation science in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, particularly in the speech-language pathology specialization. First and second-year MSc SLP students are eligible. Selection based on demonstrated superior academic and clinical achievement, strong research potential, intellectual curiosity and passion for learning. The award is intended to assist in the execution and publication of a research project, thesis or dissertation in the area of stuttering, with preference given to projects that have the potential to advance clinical practice. If no suitable candidates are conducting stuttering research, students conducting research relating to the management of dementia and other neurologically based communication disorders will be considered. The scholarship may not be held concurrently with other scholarships relating to stuttering.

Application: By application to Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research in Rehabilitation Medicine, 3-48 CH by July 1st.

Delta Delta Delta Alumnae Fellowship

Endowed by Delta Delta Delta Alumnae of the University of Alberta

Nomination Deadline:

Eligibility: Awarded annually to a woman student of outstanding academic merit who has graduated from a degree program at the University of Alberta and is entering or continuing in a full-time graduate degree program at this university. Preference will be given to a student entering the first year of a graduate degree program immediately following her undergraduate degree.

Application: There is no application form; the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research will request one nomination from each eligible department. The Graduate Scholarship Committee will make the final selection.

Don McColl Graduate Scholarship

Endowed by Phyllis Clark in honor of her husband Don McColl

Eligibility: Awarded annually based on superior academic achievement, to a student in a master's or doctoral degree program in Fine Arts or Rehabilitation Medicine. In even-numbered years, the scholarship will be awarded for study in Fine Arts and odd-numbered years, the scholarship will be awarded for study in Rehabilitation Medicine. If a suitable candidate cannot be found in the specified area, the scholarship may be awarded in the other area. Part-time students are eligible for this award.

Application: No application; the department will consider eligible students and one nomination will be accepted from eligible departments in the area in which the scholarship is to be awarded. FGSR will make the final selection of the recipient.

Dr. Einer Boberg / Alberta Elks Foundation Memorial Graduate Award in Stuttering Treatment and Research

Funded by the Alberta Elks Foundation in memory of Dr. Einer Boberg, the co-founder and first director of the Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research (ISTAR), and reflects Dr. Boberg's lifelong commitment to the advancement of clinical practice and the importance of its connection to research.

Value: $1,500 at the Masters level; $3,000 at the PhD level. The award is non-renewable. Two master's awards or one PhD award will be offered annually.

Eligibility: Awarded annually to a student in the speech-language pathology program or the rehabilitation science program at the University of Alberta who has demonstrated strong clinical skills and a research interest in the area of stuttering. The award is intended to assist a student in the completion of a MSc-SLP project, a MSc-SLP thesis, a MSc thesis in Rehabilitation Science or a PhD program in Rehabilitation Science that is related to stuttering. Applicants at the Master's level should have completed the first year of a Master's program in speech-language pathology or rehabilitation science in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alberta. Applicants at the PhD level should have been admitted to the Rehabilitation Science program in the Faculty. Applicants should have excellent academic standing, be able to present evidence of significant community service and be planning to specialize in the area of stuttering.

Application: Application for the award should be made by June 1st in the first year of study. Applicants should submit a brief curriculum vitae (in which community service can be documented), an official graduate transcript, and an essay of no more than 1,000 words describing their interest in the disorder of stuttering and the goal of their studies in this field to:

Boberg/Elks Graduate Award Committee
ISTAR, 1500 College Plaza
University of Alberta
Edmonton AB T6G 2C8

Notification of the award will be made by the beginning of September. Award recipients will be announced publicly.

Dr. EW Gauk-Westfield Award

Endowed by Dr. EW Gauk of Edmonton

Eligibility: Awarded annually to a student in a graduate degree program whose major area of research deals with behavioural disorders of children. Part-time students are eligible for this award.

Application: There is no application form; the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research will request one nomination from each eligible department. The Graduate Scholarship Committee will make the final selection.

E. William Kuder Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation Medicine

Endowed by the late E. William Kuder and family of Edmonton

Eligibility: Awarded annually to two MScSLP students registered in the second year of a graduate degree program. Recipients will be selected based on superior academic standing (minimum grade point average equivalent to 3.5 on the University of Alberta grading scale) and who after graduation, intend to give at least one year of service in Alberta outside the metropolitan centres of Edmonton and Calgary.

Application: Eligible students submit a letter of application to the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders by August 1st. The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research will request the names of two eligible applications for processing.

Edmonton (Host) Lions Club Scholarship

Eligibility: Awarded annually to a graduating student based on superior academic standing in audiology courses.

Application: No application; eligible students will be considered automatically by the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.

Evelyn and Gene Norville Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation Medicine

Funded by the Evelyn and Gene Norville Scholarship Fund at the Edmonton Community Foundation

Eligibility: One scholarship to be offered annually to a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who is an Alberta resident and who is registered full-time in the second year of a graduate degree program in any department within the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alberta. The recipient will be selected based on superior academic achievement (equivalent to a grade point average of 3.5 or greater on the University of Alberta grading scale.)

Application: No application; a student is nominated by the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders by Sept 15 and FGSR will make the final selection.

Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Student Clinical Award

Field of Study: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech-Language Pathology

Value: $ and a certificate

Number: 3

Conditions: Awarded to one graduating student in each of the following departments: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Communication Sciences and Disorders.

Friends of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Scholarship

Endowed by alumni and friends of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

Eligibility: Awarded annually based on academic excellence to a full-time Master's or PhD student who has received no or limited support from the University of Alberta. Holders of major awards (as defined by the Graduate Scholarship Committee) will not be considered. A student may hold the scholarship only once. Approximately seven awards are granted each year.

Application: There is no application form; the Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research will request a nomination from each department. The nomination must include a detailed description of all of the nominee's sources of funding (i.e. assistantships, bursaries, employment income, external and U of A Scholarships, loans, and tuition supplements). The Graduate Scholarship Committee will make the final selection.

Gwendolyn Ewan Graduate Scholarship

Endowed by the Estate of Gwendolyn Ewan

Eligibility Criteria: Awarded annually based on superior academic achievement to one or more students registered full-time in a graduate degree program whose permanent residence is in the Northwest Territories.

Application: Students are to submit their application to their department. A complete application package consists of a letter of application by the student describing the student's work, and a transcript of the academic record. Students to check with their department for internal deadlines.

Gyro Club of Edmonton Graduate Scholarship in Aging

Endowed by the Gyro Club of Edmonton

Eligibility: Two scholarships awarded annually, one to a student registered in a Master's program (course-based or thesis-based), and one to a student registered in a PhD program whose graduate programs are focused on aging. An applicant may not hold this scholarship more than once during the tenure of their graduate degree program.

Application: A complete application will consist of an application form; a brief statement of the applicant's plans for pursuing a career in the field of aging; a listing of aging-related courses completed or in progress, with a brief explanation of the aging-related content; a brief description of the applicant's thesis/dissertation topic (if applicable) and anticipated completion date; a description of relevant community volunteer work; one copy of the applicant's curriculum vitae; and one set of official university transcripts. 

Deadline: Early November.

Hopper-Cleary Award in Rehabilitation

Annually funded by Stuart Cleary and Tammy Hopper

Value: $2,000

Number of Awards: 1


Field of Study: Rehabilitation Medicine

Academic Requirements: Ssatisfactory academic standing

Program Requirements: Registered full-time in the first or second year of a Master's degree program in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

Preference (if applicable): Given to a student in the Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology degree program in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.

Selection: Based on academic achievement, demonstrated interest, experience and/or research in aging and/or neurodegenerative disease, and demonstrated commitment through volunteer, professional, research, and/or educational activities.


By application to the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. A complete application package consists of a letter of intent that describes the applicant's qualifications and demonstrated attributes. The Faculty will nominate one candidate to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. The Graduate Scholarship Committee will make the final selection.

Nomination Deadline: October 1

Indigenous Graduate Award

The Government of Alberta offers the Indigenous Graduate Award to encourage Indigenous (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) Albertans to pursue graduate studies in Alberta. All department fields are eligible for funding.

Value: The awards are valued at a maximum of $15,000 per year, and can be awarded in half values ($7,500) to fund a single term.

Eligibility: Eligible applicants must:

  • Be Status Indian/First Nations, Non-Status Indian/First Nations, Métis, or Inuit. and be able to provide proof of Aboriginal Identity.
  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.
  • Be an Alberta resident.
  • Be registered full-time in a master's or doctoral program at the University of Alberta during Fall 2017 and/or Winter 2018 term.
  • Have satisfactory academic standing (minimum GPA of 2.7 over the most recent 15 units of graded course weight at UofA or 3.0 from other institution)
    Note: GPA calculations will start in the term preceding the term of the application deadline, moving backward until a minimum of 15 units of graded course weight is reached.

Selection Criteria:

  • Academic achievement
  • Academic potential
  • Involvement in Aboriginal community

More information

Ivy A. Thomson and William A. Thomson Graduate Scholarship

Endowed by the late William A. Thomson

Eligibility: Awarded annually to two academically outstanding students registered in, or admitted to, a master's or doctoral degree program at the University of Alberta. Recipients of the scholarship must be registered and working full-time on their graduate program during the tenure of the scholarship. This award may not be held concurrently with another major award as defined by the Graduate Scholarship Committee (value of $13,000 or greater).

Application: No application; a student is nominated by the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and FGSR will make the final selection.

Jim and Fran Vargo Goodwill Award

Field of Study: Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Language Pathology

Eligibility: Awarded annually to a student with satisfactory academic standing in the final year of the professional entry-level program. Recipients are selected based on demonstrated qualities of comradeship and congeniality, and an ability to promote feelings of friendship and goodwill throughout the Faculty.

Application: No application students nominate an individual from their graduating class.

Kennett Y Spencer Memorial Scholarship

Endowed through the will of the late Kennett Y Spencer

Eligibility Criteria: Awarded once every two years to a student registered full-time in a graduate degree program at the University of Alberta whose focus of inquiry is in the field of northern studies. The recipient will be selected based on superior academic achievement (equivalent to a grade point average of 3.5 or greater on the University of Alberta grading scale). Granted for two years (subject to review after one year) the renewal will be approved based on a report from the recipient's supervisor on the progress achieved in their studies and research. The scholarship may not be held by a recipient for more than two consecutive years.

Application: The application form and information about the application process and required supporting documents are available on the University of Alberta, UAlberta North website. Eligible students should submit a complete application package to the UAlberta North, 1-42 Pembina Hall, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB T6G 2H8, by August 14th. UAlberta Noth will review the letters of application and forward the name of one nominee to the Graduate Scholarship Committee for final approval.

Leo LeClerc Memorial Scholarship

Field of Study: Open

Number: 1

Funded by: The Edmonton Rotary Club Foundation, in memory of Leo LeClerc who was a dynamic force in the Edmonton community for more than four decades. His involvement with business, government, sports, media and community service touched hundreds, if not thousands, of lives in positive and significant ways.

Conditions: To be awarded annually to an undergraduate or graduate student attending the University of Alberta. Criteria for selecting recipients will include academic achievement, character and financial need. Special consideration will be given to special needs candidates such as individuals with disabilities - all permanent disabilities or medical conditions.

Louise Miller Award - Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Centre Society (SCITCS)

Field of Study: Open

Number: 1

Funded by: Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Centre Society

Conditions: To be awarded annually to a student with a spinal cord injury continuing in an undergraduate or graduate degree program at the University of Alberta. Recipients will be chosen based on academic achievement and volunteer service which benefits persons with disabilities. If there is no suitable candidate found, this award can then be presented to a student with any type of physical disability. Students enrolled full-time or part-time are eligible for this award.

Mickleborough Scholarship in Rehabilitation Science

Annually funded by Janice Mickleborough

Number: 1

Field of Study: Rehabilitation Medicine

Academic Requirements: Superior academic achievement

Program Requirements: Registered full-time, in any year of a graduate degree program in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

Preference: Given to a student in a Rehabilitation Science degree program

Selection: Based on academic achievement, demonstrated interest or experience in cancer rehabilitation and/or head and neck cancer rehabilitation, and demonstrated excellence in educational experiences, clinical skills and volunteer and professional activities.

Application: Eligible students should contact the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine for application procedures and deadlines. The Faculty will nominate one candidate to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. The Graduate Scholarship Committee will make the final selection.

Deadline: December 15.

Myer Horowitz Graduate Students' Association Graduate Scholarship

Endowed by the University of Alberta Graduate Students' Association

Eligibility: Awarded annually in the Fall based on academic merit to full-time students in graduate degree programs who have received no or limited financial support from the University of Alberta. Holders of major awards (as defined by the Graduate Scholarship Committee) will not be considered. The scholarship may be held only once by a student. Approximately six awards are granted each year.

Application: There is no application form; the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research will request a nomination from each department. The nomination must include a detailed description of all of the nominee's sources of funding (ie assistantships, bursaries, employment income, external and U of A Scholarships, loans and tuition supplements). The Graduate Scholarship Committee will make the final selection.

Oil Service Charitable Organization Graduate Scholarship

Endowed by the Oil Service Charitable Organization (1964 - 1976)

Eligibility: Awarded annually to one student registered full-time in the first year of the MScSLP program. The recipients will be selected based on superior academic standing. Preference will be given to students from Alberta or Saskatchewan.

Application: No application; a student is nominated by the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and submitted to FGSR for processing.

Pansy and George Strange Graduate Scholarship

Endowed by friends of Pansy and George Strange

Eligibility: Awarded annually to two outstanding students registered in a graduate degree program in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research at the University of Alberta. Preference will be given to a student who holds an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution in India. Part-time students are eligible for this award.

Application: There is no application form; departments will forward one nomination to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. The Graduate Scholarship Committee will make the final selection.

Quinam and Chan Juan Wang Bursary

Number: 1

Eligibility: Awarded to student(s) with satisfactory academic standing enrolled in any year of a graduate degree program in Speech-Language Pathology in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. Selection based on demonstrated financial need.

Application: By December 15 through University Bursaries and Emergency Funding, 1-80 Students' Union Building.

Rehabilitation Medicine Students' Association (RMSA) Impact Award

Endowed by the 2017-18 RMSA Council & Executive

Value: Variable

Eligibility: Give to a student(s) registered full-time in the second year or later of any graduate program in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. There is a preference for students who hold two years of continuous RMSA membership. Awards are given based on academic standing and demonstrated impact in at least one of three areas: enhancing the Rehabilitation Medicine experience for others, exhibiting rehabilitation community leadership and/or facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration. Impact Award can only be held once by a student and cannot be held in conjunction with the RMSA Award or RMSA Award of Excellence.

Application: Eligible students must submit an applicable application form including a letter (max. 750 words) outlining the student's impact since entering the faculty as a graduate student. The letter must discuss direct impact in at least one of the three areas stated in the selection criteria for the award.

Rehabilitation Medicine Students' Association Award

Annually Funded by the Rehabilitation Medicine Students' Association

Field of Study: Rehabilitation Medicine

Value: $1,000

Number: 1

Eligibility: To be awarded annually to a student with satisfactory academic standing, registered in a full-time graduate program in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. Selection is based on academic achievement and demonstrated involvement in volunteer work, extra-curricular activities, and promotion of the profession and/or the Faculty within the community. Must be a member of the Rehabilitation Medicine Students' Association.

Application: Contact the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine for an application form. The deadline date for receipt of the application is January 15.

Rehabilitation Medicine Students' Association Award for Excellence

Endowed by the 2000/2001 Rehabilitation Medicine Students' Association

Field of Study:
Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy or Speech Language Pathology

Value: $500

Number: 1

Eligibility: To be awarded annually to a student with satisfactory academic standing continuing in a program of studies in Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, or Speech Language Pathology. The recipient will be selected based on demonstrated leadership through involvement and participation in university and community organizations, with an emphasis on activities directly related to Rehabilitation Medicine.

Robin Kochorek Memorial Bursary

Endowed by the friends and family of the late Robin Kochorek

Value: $1,000

Eligibility: Awarded annually to a student registered full-time in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Alberta. The recipient must have an undergraduate or graduate degree and will be selected on the basis of financial need and commitment to community involvement. Preference will be given to a student who has obtained an entry-level education or post-graduate education in Canada.

Application: Apply through the Supplementary Bursary program at the Office of Registrar website.

Ronald Gordon Rowswell O'Connor Graduate Award

Funded by the Ronald Gordon Rowswell-O'Connor Fund at the Edmonton Community Foundation

Value: $4,000

Nomination Deadline: October 1

Eligibility Criteria: Awarded to two full-time or part-time students with satisfactory academic standing registered in a graduate degree program. Selection is based on the significance of their program of studies and/or research to the advancement of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-identified, or queer communities. This award is tenable only once in a graduate student's career.

Application: By March 31 to the Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services, Faculty of Education.

SAC Student Excellence Award

Eligibility: Awarded to a SAC student associate in their graduating year, who is determined to be the best all-round future professional.

Application: No application, students nominate a fellow student in Fall of 2nd year. Three names are forwarded to Faculty in the following Fall term who are responsible for choosing the final winner based on clinical ratings, leadership qualities and GPA. The department submits the nominee to SAC in January.

Siobhan Isabella Reid Memorial Scholarship

Established by the Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta

Award Value: $1,000

Eligibility Criteria: Awarded annually to two students who are registered full-time in an undergraduate or graduate program at a university in Alberta whose research will lead to assisting children and adults with learning disabilities. Applicants must have completed two full academic years at either a university or at an accredited junior college at which courses are acceptable toward a university degree.

Application Process: Information regarding specific application requirements and application forms are available from: 

Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta,
Box 29011,
Pleasantview P.O.,
Edmonton AB, T6H 5Z6

Tavistock Trust for Aphasia

Value: 300 pounds

Eligibility: Awarded for 'excellent work' relating to aphasia. This can be either for academic or practical work.

Application: No application, department nominates student in January.

TD Bank Financial Group Health Sciences Student Award

Endowed by TD Bank Financial Group

Eligibility: Two awards are offered annually to a student registered full-time in a graduate degree program in a department within the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine and a department within the School of Public Health. The recipients will be selected based on satisfactory academic standing, a personal intent letter on a topic provided in advance and experience in an interprofessional learning experience as defined by the University of Alberta Interprofessional Learning Pathway. A student registered in a master's degree program is eligible to hold the award during the first or second year of the graduate program. A student registered in a doctoral program is eligible to hold the award during the first year, or up to and including the fifth year of the graduate program. These activities will be supported by the Health Sciences Education Research Commons (HSERC) at the University of Alberta.

Application: Information and application forms are available on the Health Sciences Education Research Commons website or by telephone at 780-492-0110.

Complete application packages must be submitted by June 1st to:

Health Sciences Awards Committee
c/o Sharla King
Health Sciences Education and Research Commons
Health Sciences Council, 2-261 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy
University of Alberta

The HSERC Awards Committee will forward the name of one nominee to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research by September 15th for approval.

The Dean's Medal in Rehabilitation Medicine

Field of Study: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech-Language Pathology

Value: Sterling Gilt Medal

Number: 1

Conditions: To be awarded to the graduating student from the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine who has the highest average in courses taken at the University of Alberta credited to the degree.

Application: There is no application form; the department will consider eligible students and one nomination will be accepted from eligible departments in the area in which the scholarship is to be awarded. The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine's Scholarships & Awards committee will make the final selection of the recipient.

The Faculty Club / Dr. William A (Bill) Preshing Graduate Scholarship

Endowed by participants in the annual "Faculty Club Fun Run". The scholarship also recognizes Dr. Preshing's ongoing contributions to this special event.

Value: $1,700

Nomination Deadline: October 1

Eligibility: Awarded annually to a student registered full-time in a graduate degree program at the University of Alberta based on superior academic achievement.

Application: There is no application form; the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research will request a nomination from each department. In selecting a student for the award, financial need will be taken into consideration. The nomination must include a detailed description of all of the nominee's sources of funding (ie. assistantships, bursaries, employment income, external and U of A scholarships, loans and tuition supplements). The Graduate Scholarship Committee will make the final selection.

The Right Honourable Don Mazankowski Bursary in Rehabilitation Medicine

Endowed by the Don Mazankowski Scholarship Fund

Field of Study: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, or Speech Language Pathology

Value: $1,000; one annually

Eligibility: To be awarded annually to a student with satisfactory academic standing who is enrolled in the Department of PT, OT or CSD in the Faculty of RM. The recipient will be selected based on demonstrated financial need and involvement in leadership and community activities.

Student Financial Aid and Information Centre,
2-700 Student Union Building,

Deadline: January 15 at 4:30 pm

Thelma R. Scambler Scholarship

Endowed by the family, friends and colleagues of Thelma R. Scambler

Eligibility: Awarded annually to a student registered in a graduate degree program related to gerontology or geriatrics at the University of Alberta. Part-time students are eligible for this award.

Application: There is no application form; the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research will request one nomination from each eligible department. The Graduate Scholarship Committee will make the final selection.

Deadline: No application; a student is nominated by the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders by September 15 and FGSR will make the final decision.

University of Alberta Centenary Graduate Award

Endowed by donors to the Centenary Campaign

Value: $5,000

Nomination Deadline: October 1

Eligibility: Awarded annually to a student with satisfactory academic standing (minimum grade point average 2.7) who is in the second year of a full-time graduate degree program in any department at the University of Alberta. Selection will be based on academic standing and demonstrated volunteer involvement in activities on campus and in the community (volunteer work required for school credit will not be considered). Preference will be given to a student who is involved in volunteer activities both on and off campus. The recipient may not hold this award concurrently with an award or bursary with a value of $13,000 or greater.

Application: Eligible students should submit an application form (available on the FGSR website) and supporting documents to the Chair of their home department. The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research will request one nomination from each eligible department and the Graduate Scholarship Committee will make the final selection. A written and signed statement from each volunteer office/organization to confirm your role and the number of volunteer hours provided per week must be included with the application form.

University of Alberta Recruitment Course-based Graduate Scholarship

Value: $22,000

Eligibility: Students applying for Fall admission in the MScSLP Course-based program

Application: No application, students are nominated by the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders by March 1

WW and HE Trusdale Graduate Award in Gerontology

Endowed by Beverley Burns in memory of W.W. and H.E. Trusdale

Value: $1000

Eligibility: Awarded annually to an outstanding student registered full-time in a graduate degree program and working in the area of Gerontology. Awarded to enable eligible students to attend a conference related to the field of aging.

Application: The application will consist of a completed application form; a brief paragraph outlining the applicant's goals in attending a gerontology conference; confirmation of acceptance of a paper/poster presentation at a specific conference; one copy of the applicant's curriculum vitae; and one set of official university transcripts.