Research News Archive - 2019

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Word of mouth still key factor in generating sales in online world

Consumers base buying decisions on "informed herd effect" influenced by what others like them say about the product, marketing researchers find.

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Research conference highlights PhD students' projects

This annual student-led conference offers business doctoral students an opportunity to share research ideas and fosters effective presentation and communication skills.

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University of Alberta professor Joel Gehman creates website with data on oil and gas wells in North America

A University of Alberta professor has created a website that provides data, history and news about two million oil and gas wells across North America.

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Who buys the wine? Research reveals how consumers make choices for groups

People who see themselves as independent tend to go with their own preference when choosing for a large group-even if it costs more.

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The Language of AI

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Why would businesses spend time and money to obtain certifications they do not promote?

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How are U.S. white collar workers impacted by the rise of service offshoring to China and India?

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How do regulatory and disclosure regimes affect market quality?

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How can a mobile platform owner and an app developer maximize in-app advertising revenues?

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"Finding theory-method fit" article by researcher Joel Gehman is most cited in the Journal of Management Inquiry in the past 3 years

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Professor Dev Jennings wins 2019 best book award

'Re-engaging with Sustainability in the Anthropocene Era: An Institutional Approach' has received the 2019 Best Book Award from Academy of Management's Social Issues in Management Division.

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Royston Greenwood earns 2019 Best Article from the Academy of Management

Royston Greenwood received AOM's Best Article Award for his paper "Organizing Refugee Camps: 'Respected Space' and 'Listening Posts'" published in the Academy of Management Discoveries.

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Business research excellence recognized by federal granting agency - SSHRC

Alberta School of Business receives research funding totalling $3.25M

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Thinking differently about work-family dynamics

There is a growing number of workers from CEO's to entrepreneurs, long-haul truckers and off-shore oil workers who are 'on the move' because of globalization, mobile technologies, and diminishing jobs in their communities. Professor Karen Hughes' research looks how mobility shapes work-family dynamics. Work-related mobility can incur challenges but it may also create opportunities.

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Benefitting Society Finalist

Alberta School of Business researcher Joel Gehman is the 2019 Benefitting Society Finalist for his project on sustainability-oriented innovation in business.

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The same, but better: How we represent ourselves through avatars

Researchers examine relationship between online avatars and the people they represent.

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How do rumours shape the innovation of a product?

Rumours are essentially bits of provisional knowledge which are not validated, but to the ears of managers developing new products, rumours can be collectively used as a form of open innovation.

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Women's professional sports leagues face difficulties

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Why women's professional sports leagues continue to struggle

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Associate Professor Emily Block Awarded McCalla Professorship

Through a combination of teaching, scholarship and service, Emily's McCalla Professorship project will focus on this through the lens of The Frontiers of Business Initiative in the Alberta School of Business.

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Overcoming roadblocks: Are entrepreneurial endeavours locked out by gender imprinting?

For the first time ever, the 2019 SAP NHL All-Star Skills event showcased the abilities of professional male and female athletes. Is this shift towards equal opportunity enough to pierce through the male-dominant industry allowing new opportunities for entrepreneurs? Research from the Alberta School of Business looks to understand why there are so few large scale professional women's leagues in North America.

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Firms obscure bad news in financial reports, study suggests

Unclear narratives in annual corporate reports may be a red flag for stock price crashes, new study shows.

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Future energy systems - land and water

PhD students Maggie Cascadden and Kylie Heales are researching ways to bring companies and communities together on environmental projects.

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Institutional investors drive corporate social responsibility, study shows

Norms in countries where investors are based influence environmental and social performance of firms they invest in, according to U of A research.

2021 2020 2019