Our Students


The PhD Program in Business at the University of Alberta has a vibrant cohort of students across all disciplines. Designed to prepare students for a research-oriented career, the program provides opportunities for each student to work closely with faculty to develop her/his own research portfolio.

Students Enrolled in 2024-2025




Operations and Information Systems

Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Management

Student Publications


Shuhan Yang, PhD Candidate: Tito L.H. Grillo, Shuhan Yang, Adrian F. Ward. Fairness revisionism: Reducing discrimination for the future reduces perceived unfairness in the past. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 115, November 2024, 104671.

Cindy Grappe, PhD Student: Lombart, Cindy, Cindy G. Grappe, Didier Louis, Fabien Durif, Florence Charton-Vachet, and Olga Untilov. (2024, March 27). Produits « éthiques » : promettre ne suffit pas pour convaincre les consommateursThe Conversation.

Lance Gregory, PhD Student: Lei, C., Zhang, P., Gregory, L., Wang, H., Wang, G., & Häubl, G. (2024). Preference for quicker offers: The critical roles of temporal reference points and evaluation mode. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 37(1), e2361.

Yasser Zeinali, PhD Candidate: Hashemian, F., Maleki, N., & Zeinali, Y. (2024). From User Behavior to Subscription Sales: An Insight Into E-Book Platform Leveraging Customer Segmentation and A/B Testing. Services Marketing Quarterly, 45(2), 153–181.


Logan Crace, PhD Candidate: Crace, L., Gehman, J. and Lounsbury, M. (2023), "An Unsettling Crisis of Collegial Governance: Reality Breakdowns as Antecedents of Institutional Awareness", Sahlin, K. and Eriksson-Zetterquist, U. (Ed.) Revitalizing Collegiality: Restoring Faculty Authority in Universities (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 87), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 77-109.

Logan Crace, PhD Candidate: Cloete, N., Côté, N., Crace, L., Delbridge, R., Denis, J.-L., Drori, G.S., Eriksson-Zetterquist, U., Gehman, J., Gerhardt, L.-M., Goldenstein, J., Harroche, A., Jandrić, J., Kosmützky, A., Krücken, G., Lee, S.S., Lounsbury, M., Mizrahi-Shtelman, R., Musselin, C., Gustafsson, H.Ö., Pineda, P., Quattrone, P., Ramirez, F.O., Sahlin, K., van Schalkwyk, F. and Walgenbach, P. (2023), "“Outroduction”: A Research Agenda on Collegiality In university Settings", Sahlin, K. and Eriksson-Zetterquist, U. (Ed.) Revitalizing Collegiality: Restoring Faculty Authority in Universities (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 87), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 181-211.

Tim Derksen, PhD Candidate: Orazi, D. C., Mah, K., Derksen, T. & Murray, K. B.. (2023). Consumer escapism: Scale development, validation, and physiological associations. Journal of Business Research.

Feyzan Karabulut, PhD Candidate: Karabulut, Feyzan, Sarah G. Moore, and Paul R. Messinger (2023). Choosing Backgrounds for Success: The Role of Videoconference Backgrounds in Self-Presentation. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 8(2), 153-164.

Ozan Ozdemir, PhD Candidate: Ozdemir, O., Kolfal, B., Messinger, P. R., & Rizvi, S. (2023). Human or virtual: How influencer type shapes brand attitudesComputers in Human Behavior, 145.

Yunjung Pak, PhD Candidate: Pak, Y. 2023. 60hertz: Can we subscribe to renewable energy?Asan Entrepreneurship Review, 15.

Jennifer Sloan, PhD Candidate: Sloan, J. Scandinavian Building Services: Preserving the Past and Ensuring the Future. Ivey Publishing.

Jennifer Sloan, PhD Candidate: Glaser, V. L., Sloan, J., & Gehman, J. (2023). Organizations as Algorithms: A New Metaphor for Advancing Management TheoryJournal of Management Studies.

Shuo Yuan, PhD student: Jia, J., Yuan, S., Wei, L. Q., & Tang, G. (2023). When firms adopt sustainable human resource management: A fuzzy‐set analysis. Human Resource Management.

News for Celebration! 

Tim Derksen, PhD candidate in Marketing, is part of research group studying loneliness and consumer spending. See "Loneliness Can Sell Dog Food," in Chicago Booth Review, September 9, 2024.

Marketing PhD student Cindy Grappe has been awarded the 2024-25 Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship. This is the most prestigious graduate award administered by the University of Alberta: Cindy is one of only 18 students across campus to receive the award this year! It was Dorothy Killam's desire that those who receive awards in her husband’s memory should contribute to the advancement of learning and win distinction in their profession. Killam recipients are multi-faceted scholars whose intellect is complemented by a sound character. Congratulations, Cindy!

Congratulations to PhD Candidates, Arkadiy Lenchak (Finance) and Jennifer Sloan (SEM) who are the 2024 Graduate Student Teaching Award recipients, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to teaching. 

Omima El Kailani, SEM 2nd year PhD student, has her paper "Coping with indeterminate dangers in a violent conflict zone: A study of Libyan women entrepreneurs" accepted for presentation at the Academy of Management conference this summer and has been invited for inclusion in the Best Paper Proceedings.

SEM 2nd year PhD student, Samira Jafari's paper "Does the masculinity and femininity of entrepreneurs influence the strategic aspects of their firms? Insight from a three-country study" was accepted to present at the Stockholm 2024 Diana International Conference on Women's Entrepreneurship Research.

The 2024 Recipient of the Eric Geddes PhD Scholarship in Healthcare Research is Arash Asgari, OIS PhD Candidate, for his project "Optimizing exam room assignments to physicians in the surgical clinic at Stollery Children's Hospital."

The 2024 Recipient of the Life Underwriters Fellowship for PhD Research in Insurance and Related Financial Services is Mehrnaz Behrooz, OIS PhD Candidate, for her project "Electric Utility Wildfire Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan." 

Our Graduates

Our graduates have obtained positions in prestigious universities throughout the world, including California (Berkeley), Imperial College (London), Emory, Iowa, Pennsylvania (Wharton School), Hong Kong Institute of Science and Technology, McGill, and Western Ontario.

View a listing of our graduates, and their current institutions dating back to 1989.