Alumni Spotlight: Documentary producer, Matthew Booi

How Matthew Booi leveraged his U of A Honours History degree to become a television producer for the BBC, Netflix and CNN.

Erik Einsiedel - 14 February 2019

Arts Alum: Matthew Booi

U of A Degree:Bachelor's Degree in Honours History ('96), Bachelor's Degree in Education ('99)

Currently: Screenwriter and Senior Production Executive at Cream Productions, a Toronto-based television company creating programs for broadcasters including the BBC, Channel Four, History, PBS and Netflix.

Arts News recently caught up with Honours History alum, Matthew Booi, who recently produced a documentary series called The Dictator's Playbook, exploring the techniques several different dictators (including Kim-Il-Sung, Saddam Hussein and Mussolini) employed to seize power. The Dictator's Playbook recently aired in the United States on PBS, and globally on the National Geographic Channel.

ARTS NEWS: What was your role on The Dictator's Playbook?

MATTHEW BOOI: I served as the Showrunner on the production. In that position I was responsible for the overall creative vision and content of all episodes. Along with doing much of the writing, I conducted many of the key interviews and worked closely with the other writers, editors and broadcasters to deliver each show.

AN: How did you get from the U of A to producing shows like this?

MB:After working as a high school Social Studies and English teacher in Edmonton for several years, I moved to Toronto in 2002 to pursue a career in music. When that didn't exactly work out, I gravitated to TV, working first as a researcher and then moving up the ranks as writer, then producer.

AN: How did your experience as an Arts student impact your career journey, and how you approach projects today?

MB: My time at the U of A opened a great many doors for me. When I first started in this industry, I didn't know anything about how TV was made, but I knew how to research, take deep dives into large historical questions and write. Those skills unquestionably landed me my first job and then all the ones after that.

AN: What other cool projects are you working on?

MB: I'm pretty excited about a few projects that are coming up this year. I've got two feature film scripts that I wrote which are currently in development, I am producing a show for Netflix on samurai, and also a 6-part series for CNN on the history of Late Night television.

Keep your eye out for Matthew's name on these exciting series and more!

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