Research Projects + Collaborations
ECMC Chair in Islamic Studies
Middle Eastern + Islamic Studies
The Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Research Group aims to promote interdisciplinary collaboration among scholars and students at the University of Alberta who are interested in the critical study of social, cultural, historical, religious and political themes related to the Middle East, Islam, and Muslim communities.
Faculty of Arts Signature Areas
In 2018, the Faculty of Arts launched a process for identifying and promoting up to seven Signature Areas of Research and Creative Collaboration. The Arts Signature Areas provide a mechanism for building research networks, facilitating collaboration, advancing cross-disciplinary research and creative activities, and enabling related teaching innovations. Each of the Faculty's signature areas will be supported for five years.

Shifting Praxis in Artistic Research/Research-Creation
"Shifting Praxis in Artistic Research/Research-Creation" champions and supports an approach to knowledge that crosses traditional lines between practice and theory and situates the artistic process at the heart of the research and publication strategy.

Stories of Change
"Stories of Change" aims to build a network of scholars engaged in research and creative activity at the interface of individual life stories and collective accounts of large-scale social and political transformations.

Work, Employment + Labour Markets
"WELM-Arts" grouped together labour researchers within the University of Alberta. The Alberta Centre for Labour Market Research (ACLMR) has now taken this initiative province-wide, across five institutions, with funding from the Government of Alberta.