2024 News

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New Podcast Episode: Public Acceptance of Cross Border Carbon Capture and Storage with Sven Anders

Carbon capture and storage is an effective tool in the global effort to mitigate climate change, but many feel this technology is controversial. How does the public feel about cross-border transport and storage of carbon?

Wildfire Causes and Management in Alberta Webinar Recording

In the wake of the Jasper wildfires that claimed 30% of the towns structures, it is more important than ever that we understand the factors affecting wildfire behaviour in Alberta in order to develop effective mitigation strategies.

New Podcast Episode: Geothermal Potential of Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells with Mohammad Zolafgharroshan

Across Canada there are 400,000 abandoned oil and gas wells with over 172,000 of those in Alberta. With Provincial campaigns yielding underwhelming results, and the high cost of remediation, it’s worth considering other uses for these wells.

Wildfire Causes and Management in Alberta webinar overview

The Alberta Land Institute (ALI) held the first of a series of lunchtime webinars this past Tuesday. The webinar series aims to encourage knowledge sharing and discussion on land use related issues in Albert and beyond.

New Podcast Episode: Annexation and Amalgamation in Alberta with Sandeep Agrawal

Municipal boundary adjustments like amalgamation and annexation can have a significant impact on municipalities. So why do these boundary adjustments happen?

Land Use Lunchtime Webinar Series

Over the next few months, the Alberta Land Institute will be holding a series of free webinars over lunch time (12-1pm MST). The webinars will focus on education and discussion on land use related issues.

Wildfire Mitigation Strategies for Alberta

In the wake of the wildfires in Jasper that claimed 30% of the town’s structures, many Albertans are nervous about what future wildfire seasons might mean for their communities.

Podcast episode: Agricultural land and development with Brent Swallow

How to grow and protect agricultural land in Alberta. Hosted by ALI Communications Coordinator Evan Menzies with Dr. Brent Swallow from the University of Alberta. Dr. Swallow was a co-PI on a recently released report through the Alberta Land Institute, which estimated the economic impact of agricultural land fragmentation and conversion in Alberta.

Podcast episode: Property rights

Our PILOT EPISODE! Join Dr. Eran Kaplinsky and Dr. Dave Poulton as they dive into a discussion on property rights, what rights landowners have and what powers government's have in creating public policy governing private land use.

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K-Days Energy Innovation Zone with Future Energy Systems: Terrarium experiment unexpected findings

This past weekend, the Alberta Land Institute was with Future Energy Systems at the K-Days Energy Innovation Zone.

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Examining the urban agriculture debate

Recently, there has been an influx of articles criticizing the environmental impacts of urban agriculture. The articles are based on a study from the University of Michigan that looks at the carbon footprint of urban agriculture. The widespread coverage, and to some degree, misrepresentation of the study by the media has triggered backlash from scientists and urban farmers alike.

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New Podcast Episode: How urban farms benefit communities with Kevin Jones

Urban farms have a number of environmental benefits and have often been discussed as solutions to food security issues, but there is another, less discussed benefit: community building! For more information check out these resources: Exploring potential nature-based solutions in the Alberta context Urban agriculture in the making or gardening as epistemology Prairie Urban Farm.

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Funding Winners 2023/2024

The Alberta Land Institute's 2023/2024 Call for Proposals received many fantastic applications, 5 of which were selected for funding. Learn more about the funding winners and their projects below.

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How do we change landowner perspectives on wind energy?

The transition to renewable energy in Alberta is facing many hurdles. Within Canada, Alberta has the highest greenhouse gas emissions and is lagging behind the rest of the country with a net-zero grid goal of 2050, 15 years later than the rest of the country.

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ALI at Future Energy Systems Science Rendezvous

On May 11, the Alberta Land Institute had the pleasure of participating in Future Energy Systems Science Rendezvous at the Telus World of Science in Edmonton. The event saw 1750 guests throughout the day! The ALI team created a couple different activities to teach attendees about the benefits of Urban Trees.

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New Podcast Episode: Political polarization of perspectives on wind power with John Parkins

With a 2050 net-zero goal on the horizon, Alberta is going to have to turn to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. But how do landowners feel about the development of wind power? Are these perspectives connected to political affiliation?

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What would a net-zero Albertan city look like?

Along with the rest of Canada, Alberta has committed to a 2050 net zero emissions goal, but the province may end up lagging behind the rest of the country. Part of the net-zero emissions goal is the net-zero grid goal that Canada committed to for 2035, however Alberta will be 15 years behind the rest of the country after the provincial government pushed for a 2050 net-zero grid goal.

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Short and long term solutions for Alberta’s water crisis

Despite recent snowfall in parts of the province, Alberta remains at risk of facing drought this spring and summer. The province operates under a water licencing system that complicates water allocation in times of scarcity. Water licenses allow licence holders to use ground or surface water.

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New Podcast Episode: Water licencing and drought in Alberta with Lorraine Nicol

As Alberta faces drought, how do we work with water licence holders to ensure Albertans have access to water? Find out more from our latest podcast episode with Lorraine Nicol.

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New podcast episode: The carbon footprint of high latitude neighbourhoods with Nilusha Welegedara

An increase in greenhouse gasses is the main culprit of climate change around the globe with 50 to 60 per cent of emissions being produced by cities. Find out more about how neighbourhood carbon emissions are contributing in this podcast episode with Nilusha Welegedara.

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Who is responsible for soil conservation in Alberta?

Soil conservation efforts in Alberta date back nearly 100 years. The Soil Conservation Act was developed in response to wind erosion in the 1930’s that created dust storms and blew away precious topsoil.

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Soil health for urban growers on YouTubeture: Edmonton’s innovative approach for a growing city

Get started on your soil health journey to get the most out of your farm or garden! Based on the “Community Resource Guide: Sustainable Healthy Soils in Alberta” by Sukhwinder Singh, research funded in part by AREF.

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New podcast episode: Soil health in Alberta with Sukhwinder Singh

Why should soil health matter to you? Come learn about soil health in Alberta with Sukhwinder Singh! We talk about the state of soil health in Alberta and Canada and how policy could be used to protect soil health.