Master of Science (MSc)
The MSc is a thesis-based master's degree with a focus on research. This two-year program provides an opportunity for students to specialize and develop skills in research and scientific communication, and prepares students for doctoral studies, or for employment with industry or the government.
Before beginning your application to a REES Master of Science program, please review the admission and program requirements. Note that students are not required to have a supervisor before applying.
Complete Program Requirements (PDF)
Available programs:
- Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Rural & Environmental Sociology
- Forest Economics
- Risk and Community Resilience (Interdisciplinary)
Minimum eligibility: 4-year undergraduate degree in a related area, or its academic equivalent, from a recognized institution with a GPA above 3.0
Departmental requirements:
- Senior-level courses in microeconomic theory and econometrics for students interested in the AREC stream.
- Senior-level courses in sociology for students interested in the R SOC stream.
- English language proficiency: IELTS minimum score of 7, with at least 6.5 in each band.
Student Testimonials
Hear from our students about their experiences and successes. We're proud of our alumni and the careers they enter after graduation, using what they learned in their degree to pursue their passions.
Agricultural and Resource Economics
Agricultural economics is an applied field that typically explores issues related to agriculture, food production, and consumption. Resource economics seeks to understand the supply and demand of natural resources, their role in the economy, and how to manage them for long term sustainability. These fields also make significant contributions to environmental issues.
Focused on resource, environment, and development economics; agriculture and food markets/policy; production economics and development; agricultural business; international agriculture; international development and trade.
Rural & Environmental Sociology
Rural sociology examines social structure and social change in rural areas, as well as issues such as food and agriculture, forestry, mining and energy development.
Researchers in REES examine wide-ranging, interdisciplinary and international issues such as international development, globalization, food security, climate change and gender. Environmental sociology examines societal-environmental interactions, often focusing on environmental problems, environmental risk, environmental values, consumption, waste, and consumer behaviour.
Forest Economics
Forest Economics focuses on public policy and regulatory issues in the forestry sector. It explores the roles of institutions and property rights in regulating the timber supply, and the provision, production, and trading of forest resources and products.
Researchers in REES study forest policy and economics.
Risk and Community Resilience (Interdisciplinary)
Risk and Community Resilience examines different aspects of social-ecological relations, challenging us to think about how peoples, locally and globally, see and respond to changes in their environment including those associated with ecological variability, climate change, and natural resource development.
Students can focus on themes of greatest interest: community-based resource management, Indigenous knowledge systems, Arctic & global climate change, food security, and health & well-being.