Works of Johannes Brahms
The works of Johannes Brahms fall into categories of chamber, choral, orchestral,
organ, piano, and vocal music. The links below provide the specific details of these
works. Even though the links may overlap in terms of content I thought it best to
include several in case of any discrepancies.
- Basic Repetoire List-Brahms
- Author: L. D. Lampson
- URL:
An alphabetical index that is embedded within the Classical Net site and focuses more on the
recommendation of recordings for the works listed. The list provides the title of the work and
the subsequent recordings that the author has noted. Here the performer, ensemble, and record
label serial number is listed for the user. In addition to this the site also provides links to Brahms'
musical influences and his contemporaries.
- Brahms Works by Opus Number
- Author: Paul Geffen
- URL:
A listing of the works of Brahms that has the added feature of links to selected recordings
of the piece of music in question. The links provide the artist performing the work, the year
of the recording, and the record label serial number for retrieval. In addition to this the author
has also included the publication year of the works listed. The site, however, does not list the
works that were composed without opus numbers.
- Brahms Works List
- Author: Mary I. Ingraham
- URL:
A simple directory of all the works composed by Brahms, both with and without opus numbers.
A useful site for quick reference to works that an individual may be seeking.
- Johannes Brahms
- Author: Matt Boynick
- URL:
Lists the works by opus number and provides links to some of the more commonly performed
pieces which give details to the work's movements, key, orchestration, duration, date of
composition, and publisher. In addition to this there is also a bibliography citing publications
which provide more detail on the work in question. Some of the links also have multi-media
capabilities so that if one is equipped with the appropriate software sound is available.
Brahms and the binary sonata: A structuralist interpretation.
- Author: David Nivans
- URL:
A short paper on the theoretical approaches used to interpret Brahms' sonata form. Nivans'
approach attempts to refute the established interpretation using 20th Century social science
thinkers. An interesting analysis and defense of his theory.
Acoustic Recording of Brahms
- URL:
A short description of the origin of the recording, the performance of the Hungarian Dance 1,
and the voice of Brahms himself. There are several links provided giving the user the
opportunity to listen to this historic recording.
Brahms at the piano
- Author: Jonathan Berger,
- URL:
A research abstract from the Center for Studies in Music Technology at Yale. The abstract
discusses and examines the recording's raison d'etre, history, and the denoising process used
to enhance the recording.
Table of Contents
Copyright © 1997 Sean J. Barr