The theme for the 2000 conference draws on South African President Thabo Mbeki’s inspired vision for AN AFRICAN RENAISSANCE in the 21st century. The idea of an African renaissance, renewal or revival was also taken up by US President Bill Clinton during his 11-day historic visit to six African states in 1997. On his first stop in Ghana, Clinton expressed his hope that the visit would come to mark the “beginning of a new African enaissance.” In Uganda, he said the new relationship was not one of “what can we do for Africa...or about Africa.” Rather, “The right question today is, what can we do with Africa.” A year later, in April 1998, a consortium of 55 US foundations and donor programs -- Southern African grantmakers’ Affinity Group -- adopted the idea of an African renaissance as a way “to raise the profile of Africa on the funding agenda” and as a “new vehicle” through which people “can re-engage Africa” (Michael Sinclair, V-P Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation).
The conference sub-themes are also key to an African renaissance in the 21st century — the themes of CULTURE, DEVELOPMENT & RECONCILIATION. We mean for these themes to be interpreted broadly. Key to an African renaissance is peace, rehabilitation and reconstruction in conflict-torn and post-conflict societies. In light of the emergence or re-emergence of conflict in about a dozen states on the continent, we especially invite papers in the area of human rights, democratization and reconciliation in societies presently torn by conflict (e.g. Sierra Leone, Congo, Angola, Ethiopia and Eritrea, Algeria and the Sudan).
The deadline for proposals of papers and panels is DECEMBER 30, 1999. Proposed panels must include speakers from at least two different institutions.
Completed papers must be received by the organizers no later than FEBRUARY 7, 2000.
Paper and Panel Topics:
* African civilizations (philosophy, science, literature, art)
* Human rights and social justice
* Distance Education
* Child soldiers
* Peace and reconciliation commissions
* Prospects for democratic governance
* Africa in comparative perspective
* African identities
* African Diaspora
* Ethnicity, migration and refugees
* African culture and education
* Communications and information technologies
* Africa in the global economy
* Continental integration
* Formal and informal labour
* Global restructuring and labour struggles
* Multilateral institutions
* Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs)
* Debt and debt forgiveness
* Social consequences of neoliberal policies
* Poverty and social cohesion
* Environment
* Natural resource management
* Sustainable agro-fisheries
* Gender and African political economy
* Gender and sexuality in Africa
* Corruption
* Public policy and new public management
* Leadership
* Other topic suggestions welcomed!
Dr. Korbla Peter Puplampu
Department of Sociology
Tory Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H4 Canada
E-mail: ppuplamp@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
Telephone: (780)-492-7579.
Registration Fee Structure
Before December 31, 1999 |
After December 31, 1999 |
Member |
$35.00 |
$55.00 |
Non-Member |
$45.00 |
$65.00 |
Member Student/Seniors |
$25.00 |
$50.00 |
Non-Member Student/Seniors |
$45.00 |
$65.00 |
Wole Soyinka Public Lecture * |
Add $10.00 to Total Fees |
Add $10.00 to Total Fees |
Wole Soyinka Tribute ** |
Add $10.00 to Total Fees |
Add $10.00 to Total Fees |
*Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka public lecture at Jubilee Auditorium, ADD $10.00 or purchase ticket directly through Charge-by-Phone at (780) 451 8000, online at http://www.ticketmaster.ca
**Tribute to Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka (space limited), please ADD $10.00
Corporate Sponsorship opportunities
For Registration and Conference Information, please contact:
Dr. Chris Nsaliwa
University of Alberta
E-mail: cnsaliwa@telusplanet.net
Tele.: (780) 461-7648
The International Centre
University of Alberta
International Centre
HUB Mall - University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H4
Tele.: (780)492-5962 |