Media Watch 2019

Recent Posts

Chinese mystery snail spotted in Alberta lake - and biologists want your help to keep it there

Snail researcher Patrick Hanington says discovery of the invasive species is a concerning.

U of A research shows implementing sugar tax would improve Canadian health outcomes

Mike Paulden says the study shows that the tax would decrease some public health related concerns, but may produce adverse economic circumstances for some low-income earners.

Researchers present health studies from May 2016 wildfires at forum

The health of students, firefighters and Indigenous communities following the May 2016 wildfires was the focus of a two-day research seminar organized by researcher Stephanie Montesanti.

How will climate change affect your personal health?

Associate Professor Sherilee Harper discusses the ways in which climate change will affect our personal health.

Is diabetes reversible?

Professor Jeff Johnson comments on the lifestyle changes that can prevent, and even reverse, type 2 diabetes.

Are daycares following the Canada Food Guide?

The 2019 Nutrition Report Card says daycares are failing to provide optimal nutrition to kids.

United Nations report links warming of oceans and polar regions to health effects

Report lead author Sherilee Harper says impact on food security, food safety and nutrition really stand out.

Mind your Zs: Schools study adding sleep to their lesson plans

Associate Professor Kate Storey says promoting healthy sleep needs to be integrated into policies such as delayed school start times.

E-scooters zipping around Edmonton cause for excitement and concern

E-scooters have caused issues and injuries in other places. Professor Louis Francescutti says they will in Edmonton as well.

Recent Ontario court decision could shift how legal system treats child fatalities on family agricultural operationss

Don Voaklander says the decision is "history-making" in Canada, but that court-mandated speaking engagements are unlikely to curb any future fatalities or injuries for kids on farms.

Researchers receive $5.6-million for advanced diagnostics research

Simon Otto will study diagnostic testing for antimicrobial resistance in livestock management - a growing challenge to human and animal health around the world.

Experts say billions in savings could be at stake as party leaders debate Food Guide

According to Paul Veuglers, studies show chronic diseases linked to unhealthy eating in Canada is costing the health care system an estimated $13.8-billion per year.

3 years on, city can't pinpoint source of fecal contamination in Elbow River

Nick Ashbolt points to the need for a rethink on the way cities deal with waste.

Wood Buffalo needs consistent counsellors for Indigenous populations

"The wildfire... was one of the traumas, but if you listen to people talk, there have been numerous traumas."

'Make informed decisions': How to avoid swimmer's itch this summer

A website tracking and mapping cases of swimmer's itch across North America since 2012, is a project led by researcher Patrick Hanington.

How climate change could make your food less safe to eat

Associate Professor Sherilee Harper says changes in air temperature, water temperature and rain patterns are a threat to food safety and public health.

New national registry will collect data on brain tumours across Canada

Canadians with brain tumours will have their abnormal tissue masses tracked through a new national registry developed with the help of Faith Davis, professor emerita.

Distracted walking Issue goes before Edmonton City Council

Professor Don Voaklander says people need to be aware of their surroundings whether on foot, or behind the wheel.

9 habits for kids mental health

These 9 lifestyle bahaviours, as explained by Kara Loewen, add up to better mental health for adolescents.

See Beyond videos aim to tackle stigma around drug use

PhD student, Heather Morris, talks about the videos which show parents narrating letters written to their child who died by substance use.

Underlying causes and potential solutions for the opioid crisis

A panel of experts, including Elaine Hyshka, share their research and experience from the front lines of the opioid crisis.

Programs even the playing field among Albertans

Roman Pabayo, assistant professor, speaks about the importance of federal and provincial programs that contribute to better physical and mental health.

Distracted driving numbers continue to climb

Professor Louis Francescutti says a false sense of security in our ability to multitask and our need for connection and conversation contribute to distracted driving.

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