- 2.1.34 Electroencephalography (EEG)
- Physiological basis of normal EEG and common EEG abnormalities
- Recognition of normal physiological rhythms in wakefulness, drowsiness and sleep
- Principal characteristics of neurophysiological maturation in children
- EEG indications and limitations, including sleep-deprived, video, intensive care monitoring and ambulatory EEG
- Recognition of common EEG abnormalities and their significance
- What does the scalp EEG record?
- summated electrical changes of the underlying cortex
- occasionally more distant brain
- extracerebral activity (artifacts)
- signal amplitude depends on
- intensity of source signal
- distance from recording electrode
- spatial orientation of generator
- electrical resistance and capacitance of circuit between source and electrode
- It is generally assumed that cortical (esp. pyramidal) neurons are the principal generators of the EEG
- an individual neuron generating an electrical potential acts as a dipole
- Potential changes will be best recorded when they are
- occurring near the recording electrode
- generated by cortical dipole layers that are oriented toward the recording electrode (perpendicular to the scalp)
- generated in a large volume of tissue
- comparison of simultaneous ECoG and scalp EEG suggests that 6 cm2 of cortex with synchronous activity is needed to generate a signal that is 'seen' on the scalp
- rise and fall at rapid speed
- scalp EEG only rarely records activity at distant sites
Electrode Placement
- According to the international 10-20 system
- important landmarks
- inion
- nasion
- preauricular point
Differential Amplifiers
- are used to address the problem of "common mode" signal among EEG channels
- there is no "neutral reference" in EEG - everything is measured relative to something else
- amplifiers increase the output signal amplitude so that even small potentials are seen
- but this amplifies undesired signal as well, ie noise
- the solution is to use differential amplifiers that amplify only the difference between input signal and reference point, by common mode rejection
- the quality/amount of discrimination is often expressed as a ratio of the differential and common mode amplification of an amplifier
- this is called the common mode rejection ratio (CMRR)
- CMRR is the ratio of the common mode input voltage over the output voltage
- in other words, it is how "loud" the common mode signal has to be before it "drowns out" the differential input signal (and in fact CMRR can be expressed in dB)
- amplifiers with high CMRR are better at separating noise from desired signal
- failure of discrimination to eliminate common artifact is usually due to
- unequal impedance of the recording electrodes
- absence of an effective ground connection to the patient
(examples of a differential amplifier in action)
Filtering the EEG signal
- Types of filters
- low frequency filter (high pass filter) - removes low frequencies, allows high frequencies to pass
- high frequency filter (low pass filter) - removes high frequencies, allows low frequencies to pass
- notch filter - to remove a specific frequency (ie 60 Hz)
- Capacitors are the basis of filters
- they are ideal for filtering alternating signals such as EEG recordings
- they offer very high impedance (resistance to alternating current) to low/zero (DC) signal, but their impedance decreases as signal frequency increases
- a capacitor in the direct path of current flow will filter out lower frequencies creating a high-pass filter (or LFF)
- a capacitor placed between the current path and ground will "siphon off" higher frequencies (by offering a lower impedance route), leaving slower frequencies to pass by, acting as a low-pass filter (or HFF)
- (model filter circuits)
- Filters are not absolute - they do not act like "brick walls"
- filters gradually eliminate frequencies above and below the cutoff frequency of the filter
- filters differ in their frequency response, that is the degree to which they attenuate a given range of frequencies
- (examples of filtering a model alternating signal)
Source Localization
- Uses the EEG to try to solve the inverse problem
- that is, describe the set of electric potentials that explains the recorded waveforms
- theoretically impossible as an infinite number of combinations of dipoles can produce a given set of recorded potentials
- in practice a reasonable guess can be made in many cases by using our knowledge of brain anatomy and physiology to limit the number of possibilities
- Spatial localization is more important than pattern recognition
- the EEG is nothing more than the difference in voltage between different electrode inputs expressed over time
- the absolute potential at any individual electrode can never be known
- there is no "reference-free" information, no "ideal zero" to compare to
- this makes it necessary to use multiple combinations (montages) of different electrode recordings to arrive at an estimate of activity at a given location
What is a montage?
- A montage is a combinations of electrode derivations
- Montages perform the function of spatial filtering
- they filter out similarly shaped waveforms that are simultaneously and widely distributed over the scalp
- 5 basic kinds of montages
- bipolar montage
- reference montages
- common electrode reference
- average reference
- weighted average reference
- Laplacian (source derivation)
Bipolar montages
- Bipolar derivations are created by subtracting the potential of neighbouring electrodes
- Typically bipolar derivations are linked in straight lines, or "chains"
- commonly used "double banana" montage
- Strengths
- bipolar montages act as spatial filters that remove similar amplitudes and phases (coherent waveforms) from the recording
- well-suited for analyzing low to medium amplitude waveforms that are highly localized
- phase reversal on a bipolar montage may have localizing value (see figure)
- Caveats
- a waveform that points up is no more positive than a waveform that points down
- polarity depends on the input of the differential amplifier the active electrodes connects to
- ***A phase reversal is not always an abnormal or pathological finding - they are simply the byproduct of the configuration of the bipolar montage
Reference montages
- Reference montages are all alike in that each input of the EEG is compared to another input that is the same (or at least similar) across derivations
- the various methods are trying to make a "better reference"
- common reference - each electrode in input 1 is compared to the same electrode for input 2 in all channels (e.g. Fz or A1/A2)
- average reference - each electrode in input 1 is compared to the average of multiple channels for input 2
- signals recorded on reference montages tend to be higher amplitude than bipolar due to longer inter-electrode distances
- comparison of potential amplitude can be useful for source localization
- Caveats
- doesn't filter out widespread potentials with similar amplitudes and phases (i.e. coherent waveforms), so smaller, more local phenomena can be missed
- "reference contamination" issues - a potential that affects only the reference electrode may influence the output in all channels, especially if it is large amplitude
- schema of referential montage recordings
An Orderly Approach to the EEG
- Two pieces of clinical information are necessary:
- patient age
- level of alertness
- medications, co-morbidities, and reason for test are helpful
- Comment on the technique and montage used:
- state whether it is a routine, sleep-deprived, or telemetry EEG (surface or depth electrode)
- mention sources of extracerebral artifact if they significantly obscure the recording
- Describe the findings in an orderly, systematic fashion: (descriptors)
- Epileptiform abnormalities
- waveform morphology (spike, sharp wave, spike & slow wave)
- location (focal, lateralized, or wide-spread)
- frequency of occurrence, or evolution during the recording
- Background rhythm
- frequency bands (δ <4Hz; θ 4-7Hz; α 8-13Hz; β >13Hz)
- location (focal, lateralized, or wide-spread)
- persistence during the recording
- Response to activating procedures (hyperventilation, intermittent photic stimulation)
- Sleep, if attained
- Summary of findings and interpretation
Descriptors of EEG activity
- Even if you don't know what it is, you should be able to describe it!
- Any wave can be described in terms of:
- wave form (e.g. morphology) (examples)
- monophasic, diphasic, triphasic, polyphasic
- regular (sinusoidal, saw-toothed, arch-shaped), irregular
- repetition
- rhythmical repetitive waves (sinusoidal, spindles)
- arrythmical irregular waves
- frequency
- δ <4Hz; θ 4-7Hz; α 8-13Hz; β >13Hz
- amplitude
- low <20μV; medium 20-50μV; high >50μV
- relative amplitude differences (e.g. asymmetries) are more important than absolute amplitude
- distribution
- widespread, diffuse, or generalized (used interchangeably)
- lateralized
- focal
- phase relation
- timing and polarity of waves between multiple channels
- described in degrees
- waves that are 180° out-of-phase are described as a "phase reversal"
- timing
- simultaneous or synchronous activity in multiple channels
- asynchronous activity occurs at the same time in multiple channels, but without constant time relation to each other
- independent activity arises from different regions, at different times
- persistence
- how often a wave or pattern occurs during the recording
- may simply report an estimate of the proportion of time during which the activity appears (e.g., 50%)
- infrequent activity may be called sporadic or intermittent
- reactivity
- describes how the pattern changes in response to various maneuvers
- pattern may be increased (induced), or decreased (blocked)
- e.g. eye opening, eye closure, hyperventilation, IPS, changes in level of alertness, movements, attempts to alert patient
The alpha rhythm
- frequency band of 8-12 Hz
- slower frequencies in childhood
- maximal amplitude in posterior head regions, but may be seen in wide-spread distribution
- amplitude asymmetry is common, with higher amplitude over non-dominant hemisphere
- present only during wakefulness, with the eyes closed (attenuates with eye opening)
The beta rhythm
- frequencies >13 Hz
- often maximal amplitude in fronto-central head regions, but may be seen in wide-spread distribution
- persistence and incidence of beta rhythms rises with age
- excessive prominent beta activity is often attributed the effects of medications (esp. sedatives)
Slow wave activity
- Slow wave activity consists of delta and theta frequencies
- recall δ <4Hz; θ 4-7Hz; α 8-13Hz; β >13Hz
- It is a non-specific finding that may correlate with cerebral pathology
- normally present in sleep, or during wakefulness in infants and elderly adults
- Generalized slow wave activity is suggestive of widespread or diffuse cerebral pathology
- e.g. toxic-metabolic encephalopathy, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
- Localized slowing is more suggestive of a focal cerebral lesion
- e.g. the "Blevins tetrad" - trauma, tumor, vascular, inflammation
- In general, slowing is more likely due to cerebral pathology if it consists of:
- persistent rather than transient slowing
- delta rather than theta activity
- Fisch & Spehlmann's EEG Primer
- Gloor, P. (1985). Neuronal generators and the problem of localization in electroencephalography: application of volume conductor theory to electroencephalography. Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society, 2(4), 327-354.
- introduction
- objectives
- EEG signals
- technical aspects
- source localization
- approach
- examples
- references