Linglong Kong, Ph.D. |
Professor |
Canada Research Chair in Statistical Learning |
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences |
University of Alberta |
Canada CIFAR AI Chair, Fellow
Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) |
Edmonton, AB Canada T6G 2G1 |
Office: CAB 431 |
Email: lkong-at-ualberta-dot-ca |
Education |
2009: PhD in Statistics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada |
2002: MS in Statistics, Peking University, Beijing, China |
1999: BS in Probability and Statistics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China |
Research Interests |
Functional and Neuroimaging Data Analysis: Varying coefficient model, Multiscale adaptive regression model, Imaging genetics, Connectivity Analysis, MRI, fMRI, and DTI data analysis |
Statistical Machine Learning: Sparse learning, Ensemble Learning, Adaptive learning, Predictive Learning, online learning, Deep learning and Reinforcement learning, Differential Privacy, Bias and Fairness |
Robust Statistics and Quantile Regression: Multivariate, Functional, and Bayesian quantile regression, Depth-based methods, Robustness in neuroimaging data analysis, Robustness in machine learning and Optimization |
Artificial Intelligence in Smart Health: Health data analysis and privacy, Multi-omics data integration, Precision medicine and dynamic treatment regime, EHR and healthcare streaming data analysis |
Editorial Service |
2022 - present: Associate Editor, Statistics and its interface |
2019 - present: Associate Editor, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Applications & Case Studies |
2017 - present: Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Statistics |
2022 - 2023: Guest Editor, Statistics and its interface |
2021 - 2022: Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Neurosciences, |
2019 - 2021: Associate Editor, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology |
2019 - 2021: Guest Editor, Canadian Journal of Statistics, |
Fundings and Grants |
Current: |
2024 - 2026: Application of Explainability AI(XAI) in risk management department , MITACS $110,000 (PI) |
2024 - 2026: Integrating Dark Data into Diagnostic Biomarkers, Alberta Innovates AICE - Concepts
$600,000 (Co-PI $60,000, PI Richard Fahlman - UAlberta) |
2024 - 2024: Minimizing Bias, Promoting Fairness for AI Modelling, MITACS $52,500 (PI) |
2023 - 2024: Reinforced Sequential Experimental Design, Amii RAP, $30,000 (PI) |
2023 - 2024: Estimation and inference under local-differential privacy, Amii RAP, $28,000 (PI) |
2023 - 2024: Debias with Sufficiency: A Theoretically-Grounded Framework for Feature Elimination in
Vector Representation , Amii RAP, $30,000 (PI) |
2023 - 2024: Developing a framework for the evaluation of disclosure risks from tabular synthetic health data , CIFAR AI Catalyst project $44,000 (Co-PI, PI Khaled Emam- UOttawa) |
2023 - 2028: Understanding and predicting response to surgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia , CIHR $929,475 (Co-PI $92,947.50, PI Tejas Sankar - UAlberta) |
2022 - 2027: Pyroptosis in the CNS: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets in progressive MS , CIHR $1,032,750 (Co-PI $103,275, PI Chris Power - UAlberta) |
2021 - 2026: Personalized Online Learning and Dynamic Inference,, Canada CIFAR AI Chair, $300,000 (PI) |
2020 - 2024: BIAS: Responsible AI for Labour Market Equality, Canada-UK Artificial Intelligence Initiative, $460,000 (PI; Co-PIs: Bei Jiang, Nicole Denier, Karen Hughes - U Alberta) |
2020 - 2025: Novel Statistical Methods in Neuroimaging Data Analysis, Canada Research Chair, $700,000
(PI) |
2018 - 2024: Novel Statistical Methods in Functional and Brain Imaging Data Analysis, NSERC-RGPIN, $246,000 (PI) |
Past: |
2023 - 2023: High-performance Machine Learning Models for Financial Forecasting , MITACS $30,000 (PI) |
2022 - 2023: Frailty risk detection from primary care electronic medical records,, MITACS $45,000 (PI) |
2022 - 2022: Automatic Classification of Normal and Dysphagic Swallows Based on the sEMG Signals, MITACS $30,000 (PI) |
2021 - 2022: Online Data Imputation by Modified Mixture Density Networks, MITACS $30,000 (PI) |
2020 - 2022: High Dimensional Sampling in Reinforcement Learning and its Applications , HTCCL, $156,000 (PI) |
2020 - 2023: Distributional Reinforcement Learning: Theories and Applications, UAHIJIC, $202,500 (PI) |
2021 - 2022: Indoor Virtual Tour and Virtual Object Display in 360 Degrees , MITACS, $213,333.33
(Co-PI $53,333.33, PI, Di Niu - UAlberta) |
2021 - 2021: Zipstall -- On-line and Off-line Parking Availability Prediction, MITACS $30,000 (PI) |
2021 - 2021: AI-Enabled Subnetwork Selection, , MITACS, $15,000 (PI) |
2020 - 2021: A Principled Approach to Developing Machine Learning Models for the Synthesis of
Structured Health Data, MITACS, $135,000 (Co-PI, Co-PIs: Bei Jiang - U Alberta and Yan Liu - Concordia Univ.) |
2020 - 2020: Statistical machine learning for urban transportation system, MITACS, $30,000 (PI) |
2019 - 2019: Augmented decision making capabilities for innovation management and continuous improvement by organizations, MITACS, $30,000 (PI) |
2019 - 2019: Cognitive Dissonance in Financial Wellbeing: Using Statistical Machine Learning to Understand Perceived and Objective Financial Fitness, $36,000 (PI) |
2019 - 2019: Feature selection for Deep Learning applied to the identification of impaired drivers, MITACS, $30,000 (PI) |
2018 - 2019: Anomaly detection and simulation for unlabeled sensor data, MITACS, $45,000 (PI) |
2018 - 2018: Robust estimation of treatment effects in high-dimensional
heterogenous data with application to e-commerce, NSERC ENGAGE, $25,000 (PI) |
2017 - 2019: Genome-wide diet-gene interaction analysis for risk of psychiatric comorbidity in inflammatory bowel disease, WCUC
Collaborative Project Seed Funding, $20,000 (Co-PI, PI: Pingzhao Hu - U Manitoba) |
2017 - 2018: Statistical Machine Learning Framework in Retention and Attrition Modelling, MITACS, $30,000 (PI) |
2017 - 2017: Statistical machine learning applied to screening drivers with cognitive impairment, NSERC ENGAGE, $25,000 (PI) |
2017 - 2017: New statistical machine learning methods applied to high dimensional sensory input data from chemistry, MITACS, $30,000 (PI) |
2016 - 2019: Joint Analysis of Neuroimaging Data: High-dimensional Problems, Spatio-Temporal Models and Computation, CANSSI-CRT, $180,000 (Co-PI, Co-PI: Farouk Nathoo - U Victoria) |
2016 - 2018: Using statistical methods to study the relationships between fat and weight changes during pregnancy and early postpartum, WCHRI, $50,000 (Co-PI, PI: Yan Yuan - U Alberta) |
2015 - 2018: Analyzing real estate transaction and pricing data via statistical machine learning, NSERC- CRDPJ, $270,000 (Co-PI, PI: Di Niu - U Alberta) |
2013 - 2018: Quantile Regression in Brain Imaging Data Analysis, NSERC-RGPIN, $75,000 (PI) |
2012 - 2015: Start-up Funds, University of Alberta, $50,000 (PI) |
Honors and Awards |
2021: Fellow of Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii), CIFAR |
2018: Representative to Future Leaders Program of Japan's STS Forum, NSERC |
2018: Great Supervisor Award, University of Alberta |
2017: Josephine Mitchell Mentoring Award, University of Alberta |
2015: Research Fellow, SAMSI |
2014: IMS New Researchers Conference Travel Award, IMS |
2014: New Research Fellow, SAMSI |
2013: IMS New Researchers Conference Travel Award, IMS |
2013: SAMSI Neuroimaging Data Analysis Workshop Travel Award, SAMSI |
2013: Discovery Grant of Early Career Researcher (ECR) Supplement, NSERC |
2013: ENAR Workshop for Junior Researchers Travel Award, ENAR |
2012: Developing Statistical Methods for NeuroImaging Workshop Scholarship, NSF, USA |
2008: Student Travel Award, Statistical Society of Canada |
2007: The Best Consultant of the Year 2007, University of Alberta |
2007: Mary Louise Imrie Graduate Student Award, University of Alberta |
2005: Josephine Mitchell Scholarship, University of Alberta |
2004: Provost Doctoral Entrance Award, University of Alberta |
2004: Eoin L. Whitney Scholarship, University of Alberta |
2003: Pundit RD Sharma Memorial Graduate Student Award, University of Alberta |
2000: GangSong Graduate Student Scholarship, Peking University |
1998: Second Rank Major Scholarship, Beijing Normal University |
1997: Third Rank Major Scholarship, Beijing Normal University |
1996: Second Rank Major Scholarship, Beijing Normal University |
1994: Second Rank in National High School Mathematical Olympics Contest in China |