University of Alberta Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
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Linglong Kong, Ph.D.
Canada Research Chair in Statistical Learning
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
University of Alberta
Canada CIFAR AI Chair, Fellow
Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii)
Edmonton, AB Canada T6G 2G1
Office: CAB 431
Email: lkong-at-ualberta-dot-ca

2009: PhD in Statistics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
2002: MS in Statistics, Peking University, Beijing, China
1999: BS in Probability and Statistics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
759 Pageviews
Feb. 12th - Mar. 12th

Research Interests
Functional and Neuroimaging Data Analysis: Varying coefficient model, Multiscale adaptive regression model, Imaging genetics, Connectivity Analysis, MRI, fMRI, and DTI data analysis
Statistical Machine Learning: Sparse learning, Ensemble Learning, Adaptive learning, Predictive Learning, online learning, Deep learning and Reinforcement learning, Differential Privacy, Bias and Fairness
Robust Statistics and Quantile Regression: Multivariate, Functional, and Bayesian quantile regression, Depth-based methods, Robustness in neuroimaging data analysis, Robustness in machine learning and Optimization
Artificial Intelligence in Smart Health: Health data analysis and privacy, Multi-omics data integration, Precision medicine and dynamic treatment regime, EHR and healthcare streaming data analysis

Editorial Service
2022 - present: Associate Editor, Statistics and its interface
2019 - present: Associate Editor, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Applications & Case Studies
2017 - present: Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Statistics
2022 - 2023: Guest Editor, Statistics and its interface
2021 - 2022: Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Neurosciences,
2019 - 2021: Associate Editor, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
2019 - 2021: Guest Editor, Canadian Journal of Statistics,

Fundings and Grants
2024 - 2026: Application of Explainability AI(XAI) in risk management department , MITACS $110,000 (PI)
2024 - 2026: Integrating Dark Data into Diagnostic Biomarkers, Alberta Innovates AICE - Concepts $600,000 (Co-PI $60,000, PI Richard Fahlman - UAlberta)
2024 - 2024: Minimizing Bias, Promoting Fairness for AI Modelling, MITACS $52,500 (PI)
2023 - 2024: Reinforced Sequential Experimental Design, Amii RAP, $30,000 (PI)
2023 - 2024: Estimation and inference under local-differential privacy, Amii RAP, $28,000 (PI)
2023 - 2024: Debias with Sufficiency: A Theoretically-Grounded Framework for Feature Elimination in Vector Representation , Amii RAP, $30,000 (PI)
2023 - 2024: Developing a framework for the evaluation of disclosure risks from tabular synthetic health data , CIFAR AI Catalyst project $44,000 (Co-PI, PI Khaled Emam- UOttawa)
2023 - 2028: Understanding and predicting response to surgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia , CIHR $929,475 (Co-PI $92,947.50, PI Tejas Sankar - UAlberta)
2022 - 2027: Pyroptosis in the CNS: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets in progressive MS , CIHR $1,032,750 (Co-PI $103,275, PI Chris Power - UAlberta)
2021 - 2026: Personalized Online Learning and Dynamic Inference,, Canada CIFAR AI Chair, $300,000 (PI)
2020 - 2024: BIAS: Responsible AI for Labour Market Equality, Canada-UK Artificial Intelligence Initiative, $460,000 (PI; Co-PIs: Bei Jiang, Nicole Denier, Karen Hughes - U Alberta)
2020 - 2025: Novel Statistical Methods in Neuroimaging Data Analysis, Canada Research Chair, $700,000 (PI)
2018 - 2024: Novel Statistical Methods in Functional and Brain Imaging Data Analysis, NSERC-RGPIN, $246,000 (PI)
2023 - 2023: High-performance Machine Learning Models for Financial Forecasting , MITACS $30,000 (PI)
2022 - 2023: Frailty risk detection from primary care electronic medical records,, MITACS $45,000 (PI)
2022 - 2022: Automatic Classification of Normal and Dysphagic Swallows Based on the sEMG Signals, MITACS $30,000 (PI)
2021 - 2022: Online Data Imputation by Modified Mixture Density Networks, MITACS $30,000 (PI)
2020 - 2022: High Dimensional Sampling in Reinforcement Learning and its Applications , HTCCL, $156,000 (PI)
2020 - 2023: Distributional Reinforcement Learning: Theories and Applications, UAHIJIC, $202,500 (PI)
2021 - 2022: Indoor Virtual Tour and Virtual Object Display in 360 Degrees , MITACS, $213,333.33 (Co-PI $53,333.33, PI, Di Niu - UAlberta)
2021 - 2021: Zipstall -- On-line and Off-line Parking Availability Prediction, MITACS $30,000 (PI)
2021 - 2021: AI-Enabled Subnetwork Selection, , MITACS, $15,000 (PI)
2020 - 2021: A Principled Approach to Developing Machine Learning Models for the Synthesis of Structured Health Data, MITACS, $135,000 (Co-PI, Co-PIs: Bei Jiang - U Alberta and Yan Liu - Concordia Univ.)
2020 - 2020: Statistical machine learning for urban transportation system, MITACS, $30,000 (PI)
2019 - 2019: Augmented decision making capabilities for innovation management and continuous improvement by organizations, MITACS, $30,000 (PI)
2019 - 2019: Cognitive Dissonance in Financial Wellbeing: Using Statistical Machine Learning to Understand Perceived and Objective Financial Fitness, $36,000 (PI)
2019 - 2019: Feature selection for Deep Learning applied to the identification of impaired drivers, MITACS, $30,000 (PI)
2018 - 2019: Anomaly detection and simulation for unlabeled sensor data, MITACS, $45,000 (PI)
2018 - 2018: Robust estimation of treatment effects in high-dimensional heterogenous data with application to e-commerce, NSERC ENGAGE, $25,000 (PI)
2017 - 2019: Genome-wide diet-gene interaction analysis for risk of psychiatric comorbidity in inflammatory bowel disease, WCUC Collaborative Project Seed Funding, $20,000 (Co-PI, PI: Pingzhao Hu - U Manitoba)
2017 - 2018: Statistical Machine Learning Framework in Retention and Attrition Modelling, MITACS, $30,000 (PI)
2017 - 2017: Statistical machine learning applied to screening drivers with cognitive impairment, NSERC ENGAGE, $25,000 (PI)
2017 - 2017: New statistical machine learning methods applied to high dimensional sensory input data from chemistry, MITACS, $30,000 (PI)
2016 - 2019: Joint Analysis of Neuroimaging Data: High-dimensional Problems, Spatio-Temporal Models and Computation, CANSSI-CRT, $180,000 (Co-PI, Co-PI: Farouk Nathoo - U Victoria)
2016 - 2018: Using statistical methods to study the relationships between fat and weight changes during pregnancy and early postpartum, WCHRI, $50,000 (Co-PI, PI: Yan Yuan - U Alberta)
2015 - 2018: Analyzing real estate transaction and pricing data via statistical machine learning, NSERC- CRDPJ, $270,000 (Co-PI, PI: Di Niu - U Alberta)
2013 - 2018: Quantile Regression in Brain Imaging Data Analysis, NSERC-RGPIN, $75,000 (PI)
2012 - 2015: Start-up Funds, University of Alberta, $50,000 (PI)

Honors and Awards
2021: Fellow of Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii), CIFAR
2018: Representative to Future Leaders Program of Japan's STS Forum, NSERC
2018: Great Supervisor Award, University of Alberta
2017: Josephine Mitchell Mentoring Award, University of Alberta
2015: Research Fellow, SAMSI
2014: IMS New Researchers Conference Travel Award, IMS
2014: New Research Fellow, SAMSI
2013: IMS New Researchers Conference Travel Award, IMS
2013: SAMSI Neuroimaging Data Analysis Workshop Travel Award, SAMSI
2013: Discovery Grant of Early Career Researcher (ECR) Supplement, NSERC
2013: ENAR Workshop for Junior Researchers Travel Award, ENAR
2012: Developing Statistical Methods for NeuroImaging Workshop Scholarship, NSF, USA
2008: Student Travel Award, Statistical Society of Canada
2007: The Best Consultant of the Year 2007, University of Alberta
2007: Mary Louise Imrie Graduate Student Award, University of Alberta
2005: Josephine Mitchell Scholarship, University of Alberta
2004: Provost Doctoral Entrance Award, University of Alberta
2004: Eoin L. Whitney Scholarship, University of Alberta
2003: Pundit RD Sharma Memorial Graduate Student Award, University of Alberta
2000: GangSong Graduate Student Scholarship, Peking University
1998: Second Rank Major Scholarship, Beijing Normal University
1997: Third Rank Major Scholarship, Beijing Normal University
1996: Second Rank Major Scholarship, Beijing Normal University
1994: Second Rank in National High School Mathematical Olympics Contest in China