The submission Web site for DSAA2016 is
Special session papers follow the same format as the conference papers. Conference paper submissions should be limited to a maximum of ten (10) pages, in the IEEE 2-column format (see the IEEE Proceedings Author Guidelines: ).
All paper submissions should be prepared for Double Blind reviewing. That is neither the reviewers are revealed nor the author information is disclosed. Often it does not suffice to simply hide the author names and affiliations to make the paper anonymous. Additional effort could be required to obfuscate the relationship between previous work and current authors by for instance addressing these authors in the third person. Careful attention should be put on the references to avoid revealing the identity of the paper authors.
Parallel submissions to other forums are not allowed. Papers submitted to DSAA 2016 should NOT be published or under consideration in other venues.
Special Session Paper Submission deadline: Sunday June 12, 2016, 11:59 PM PDT
Notification of acceptance: 15 July, 2016
Final Camera-ready papers due: 19 August, 2016
Conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Digital Library. The conference proceedings will be submitted for EI indexing through INSPEC by IEEE. Top quality papers accepted and presented at the conference will be selected for extension and publication in the special issues of some international journals, including the Journal of Data Science and Analytics.
Special sessions play a big role in promoting relevant focussed areas that are not well covered in the main conference tracks, bringing together researchers, industry experts, practitioners and potential users who are interested in different aspects of data science and analytics.
DSAA'2016 features 8 special sessions as listed here. Both the paper submission date and the notification date for all special sessions are the same as those of the main conference tracks. When you submit a paper to a special session, select the respective special session in the IEEE DSAA'2016 submission page. Review will be coordinated by the special session chairs and final decisions will be made by the program co-chairs. Accepted special session submissions will be included into the Special Session part of the main conference proceedings to be published by IEEE and included into the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.