Marlin Robert Schmidt, new Minister of Advanced Education
BIO: elected to the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, representing the constituency of Edmonton-Gold Bar, on May 5, 2015.
Prior to serving with the Legislative Assembly, Mr. Schmidt specialized in site remediation for over a decade.
From 2008 to 2015 he worked for Alberta Environment as a soil and groundwater contamination specialist, and previous to this, he worked as a remediation specialist, beginning in 2002.
He holds a master of science degree in applied environmental geosciences from Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen in Germany and a bachelor of science from Queen's University in Kingston.
Rod Skura, Deputy Minister AE
Post-Secondary Learning Act Consultation - What We Heard
CAFA Position Paper on Labour Relations in the Alberta Post-Secondary Sector, October 26, 2015
The Government of Alberta has released its second annual Report to Albertans, highlighting the progress of the results-based budgeting process, a review of every government program and service. The report includes an overview of findings and recommendations from reviews completed in Cycle 1, and provides an update on the status of the overall review process.
The Legislature has been prorogued, with the new session set to start Monday, September 17, with a Speech from the Throne. Bills 9 & 10 are officially dead, and will not be reintroduced by the Prentice government.
Here is the text of the official press release click here
Today, notice was given to the Speaker that the current session of the Alberta Legislature will be prorogued and the government wishes to begin the third session of the 28thLegislature on November 17. The fall sitting will start later but will last the same number of days as previously scheduled.
“A new Premier brings a new vision and direction for Alberta. We will start the fall sitting of the Legislature with a Speech from the Throne to outline the Prentice Government’s agenda to address the priorities of Albertans. Premier Prentice has told Albertans that members of Cabinet who are not currently MLAs will seek seats in by-elections so they can represent Albertans and the government in the Legislature – he will make good on that promise and details regarding the by-elections will be available soon.”
Diana McQueen, Government House Leader
Prorogation brings to an end all business and legislation on the Order Paper before the Legislative Assembly. This includes the Public Sector Pension Plans Amendment Act (Bill 9) and the Employment Pension (Private Sector) Plans Amendment Act (Bill 10). Bills 9 and 10 will not be reintroduced under the Prentice government.
Standing Committee on Alberta’s Economic Future
Bill 9, Public Sector Pension Plans Amendment Act, 2014
Bill 10, Employment Pension (Private Sector) Plans Amendment Act, 2014
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 9:30 a.m.
CAFA's Submission to the Standing Committee on Alberta's Economic Future Bill 9, Public Sector Pension Plans Amendment Act, 2014, Bill 10, Employment Pension (Private Sector) Plans Amendment Act, 2014
Standing Committee on Alberta’s Economic Future
Bill 9, Public Sector Pension Plans Amendment Act, 2014
Bill 10, Employment Pension (Private Sector) Plans Amendment Act, 2014 Stakeholder Presentations
Standing Committee on Alberta's Economic Future
Review of Bills 9 and 10 Public Presentations
Your input is important. The all-party Standing Committee on Alberta’s Economic Future is undertaking a review of Bill 9, Public Sector Pension Plans Amendment Act, 2014, and Bill 10, Employment Pension (Private Sector) Plans Amendment Act, 2014.
Advanced Education
Results Based Budgeting
Campus Alberta Planning Resource 2014
Comprehensive Institutional Plans 2015
Pension Consultations
2016 Provincial Budget
CAFA Awards 2016
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Edmonton, AB
T6G 2C5