Why you should attend the Living Library

Joannie shares how you can grow as a “reader” by interacting with "human books.”



YouAlberta is written by students for students.

Joannie Fogue is a dedicated advocate for women and youth who channels her efforts into promoting anti-violence, gender equality, sexual education and mental health through policy work, advocacy and community building. She is an undergraduate student pursuing a bachelor's degree in arts, majoring in political science and minoring in French literature. Last summer, she completed her term as Vice President Student Life (VPSL) for the U of A's Students' Union. In her role as VP, she co-chaired the 22-23 World's Social Justice Day Working Group, where she helped organize and host the week-long series of events. Since then, Joannie has embarked on a new journey as a member of the Mental Health Commission of Canada's Youth Council.

Empowering the stories in our community 

As a reader at the U of A Living Library, you have the privilege of engaging in the authentic and powerful process of storytelling. The Living Library allows you to engage with authentic human experiences. Take a seat as a reader and listen to "living books,"  community members who share personal stories, and gain greater compassion and insight into what others may be experiencing.

These narratives, which intertwine the experiences of individuals facing mental health challenges and social injustices, are not just stories—they are deeply personal journeys that deserve to be heard and respected. By participating in the Living Library as a reader, you have the opportunity to honour and empower these individuals and their stories. Whether it's their first time sharing or their tenth, your presence and active listening are crucial in creating a supportive and validating environment.

I recall attending one of the events and having a conversation with a living book who expressed gratitude for my attendance. They shared how meaningful it was for them to see people actively choosing to hear their story—it became a pivotal moment in their healing journey. I extend an invitation to future readers to join in this shared experience of humanity, where connections are forged, stories are honoured and healing is embraced.

Growth through safe learning spaces

Participating as a reader in the Living Library offers a unique opportunity to embark on a journey of personal growth and connection. In today's world, navigating the complexities of evolving thoughts can feel overwhelming, often leaving us hesitant to ask questions or challenge our own perspectives. Even when attempting to learn how to be an ally or challenge our preconceived thoughts, we may find ourselves tokenizing the experiences and stories of those around us. As a reader at the Living Library, you have the chance to step into a supportive environment that encourages curiosity and empathy. Rather than retreating into the safety of silence, the Living Library invites you to actively participate in dialogue and exploration in a manner conducive to healing and growth.

Creating Social Connections  

While my love for world literature and reading runs deep, I've always craved the chance to connect with others who share these passions. For me, the Living Library has evolved into what feels like a "live book club." Despite the persisting isolation and solitude of the post-pandemic era, I've found solace in this space for connection. Building connections with others can seem daunting, especially in today's world. However, the Living Library offers an unparalleled opportunity to forge meaningful connections while sharing interests and fostering social change. By simply signing up as a book reader, you can select your preferred book and actively participate in community building with fellow readers.

DIY your learning experience

The essence of this concept lies in its flexibility, offering you the freedom to shape your experience to fit your unique preferences and boundaries. Whether you're eager to connect with like-minded individuals or explore diverse perspectives, the inclusive and adaptable nature of this event empowers you to make choices that resonate with you. Whether you prefer a more intimate gathering or a larger group setting, this space accommodates your preferences. Whether you're an early riser looking to kickstart your day or prefer winding down in the evening, the flexibility encourages everyone to engage on their own terms.

Catalyzing meaningful change

Expressing goodwill or believing our actions will make a difference is often effortless. Yet, we frequently overlook how our intentions may not translate as expected. By participating in the Living Library as a reader, you immerse yourself in a firsthand, personalized encounter with the realities of social injustice and discrimination. Through personal conversations with human books, you gain insight into actionable ways to initiate change within your community. This intimate dialogue cultivates a profound comprehension of the underlying complexities and systemic barriers that underpin such societal inequities. This direct engagement cultivates a profound comprehension of pertinent issues, empowering you to enact meaningful and positive change.

This event is in conjunction with World Day of Social Justice, observed internationally on February 20. Learn more.