Have You Met… the YouAlberta Team?

Have you met the nine students that make up the 2019–2020 YouAlberta Team? Spend the next few minutes getting to know them a little better…

Have you met the nine students that make up the 2019-2020 YouAlberta Team? Spend the next few minutes getting to know them a little better.

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Where is your favourite place on campus?
In my undergrad degree, it was the first floor computers in Rutherford North. Now, it’s my grad office in Pembina Hall.

Tablet/laptop or paper for notes?
Paper, hands down.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?
I physically can’t live without earphones. The only time I’m not listening to music is if I’m in a meeting or in class.

If you won airfare to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
It depends on where my favourite K-Pop groups are having their concerts.

What three words best describe your U of A experience so far?Papers, k-pop, clubs.

What’s your go-to meal on campus?
The Fillistix kimchi beef bowl.

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Where is your favourite place on campus?
Tory Building or the Agriculture/Forestry atrium.

Tablet/laptop or paper for notes?

What is the one thing you can’t live without?
My jack russell terrier, Tazz.

If you won airfare to anywhere in the world, where would you go?

What three words best describe your U of A experience so far?
Inspiring, enlightening, fun.

What’s your go-to meal on campus?
Wetzels Pretzels or New York Fries.

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Where is your favourite place on campus?
I love studying at any random table on the seventh floor of DICE with my friends!

Tablet/laptop or paper for notes?
I want a tablet, but for the time being I use my laptop to take notes.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?
I love yoga. I cannot live without it.

If you won airfare to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I would be delighted to go to Japan.

What three words best describe your U of A experience so far?
So far, my university experience has been diverse, challenging, and rewarding.

What’s your go-to meal on campus?
I am a fitness enthusiast so I like to have healthy meals on campus from Chopped Leaf.

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Where is your favourite place on campus?
The Agriculture/Forestry building (when it’s not busy). I love the plants and the aesthetic.

Tablet/laptop or paper for notes?
I used to take all of my notes on paper, but then realized how much paper I was using and switched to an iPad. I feel like it is a good compromise between digital and paper

What is the one thing you can’t live without?
Music or books. It is impossible to choose between the two.

If you won airfare to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Europe for sure because once you fly there, getting around is so easy.

What three words best describe your U of A experience so far?
Tiring but fun!

What’s your go-to meal on campus?
The beef bulgogi from Chosun, a Korean place in HUB. It is a lot of food for a good price and the rice is A+.

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Where is your favourite place on campus?
First floor Rutherford South, long wooden tables by the window.

Tablet/laptop or paper for notes?
For notes, paper for sure unless I’m blogging.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?
The mountains. I love hiking in the Rocky Mountains. It’s the only place that really is peaceful, and I need to go there often or else I get withdrawals.

If you won airfare to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
New Zealand. My mom was born there, and my family is there. The landscape is beautiful, especially in the south island. There’s so much to explore.

What threewords best describe your U of A experience so far?
Inspiring, stressful, coffee.

What’s your go-to meal on campus?
Burrito Libre in HUB: veggie burrito, black beans, and pay for extra avocado.

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Where is your favourite place on campus?
My favourite place on campus is Lister Hall because that is also my home!

Tablet/laptop or paper for notes?
In the classroom you can find me taking my notes on paper.

If you won airfare to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I would go to India, my first home!

What three words best describe your U of A experience so far?
Informative, joyful, and stressful.

What’s your go-to meal on campus?
You can probably catch me at Savoy’s in HUB, ordering my go-to vegetarian combo!

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Where is your favourite place on campus?
The history and classics museum in Tory Building (second floor)!

Tablet/laptop or paper for notes?
Tablet! All my notes are in different languages so I can’t type them, but I prefer to have digital notes.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?
My EpiPen (I’m extremely allergic to a very common chemical).

If you won airfare to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Wales! I’m obsessed with the Arthurian legends and Middle Welsh, I would love to go there someday.

What three words best describe your U of A experience so far?
Challenging, rewarding, exciting.

What’s your go-to meal on campus?
A spa salad with tuna and quinoa from Chopped Leaf! It’s so filling and so good!

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Where is your favourite place on campus?
My favourite place on campus is the Tory Atrium.

Tablet/laptop or paper for notes?

What is the one thing you can’t live without?
I cannot live without my vacuum-sealed bottle (hot tea is the best)!

If you won airfare to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Sydney, Australia.

What 3 words best describe your U of A experience so far?
Stimulating, bustling, fun.

What’s your go-to meal on campus?
For a fancier meal I go for a Caesar salad from Beez, and for less fancy meals (every day) I go for a Subway meatball sub.

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Where is your favourite place on campus?
Rutherford South by the windows in the morning. At that time no one is there so it’s very quiet, and the windows are perfect because I love the sunlight!

Tablet/laptop or paper for notes?
I realized that I get distracted easily when I work on a laptop and taking notes on paper is a lot better for classes that require math and graphs, so I found that an iPad is really good for what I need. It also saves paper which is a plus!

What is the one thing you can’t live without?
You know what? Eggs. I can’t live without eggs.

If you won airfare to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I think I would go somewhere in Asia because I’ve never been there and I would never think to plan to go there myself, because I usually visit family when I travel but I don’t have any in Asia. I would love to go to the Philippines or Bali!

What 3 words best describe your U of A experience so far?
Busy yet exciting!

What’s your go-to meal on campus?
My go-to at the moment is Filistix in SUB. I always get their lentil curry.