Leading Expert Dr. Lise Gotell Recognized for Work to Close ‘Justice Gap’ in Sexual Assault Laws

Professor Lise Gotell receives U of A Community Scholar Award for decades of research, advocacy and service to help shape policy and create awareness.

7 June 2021

"Gotell, now a leading expert in sexual consent law in Canada and a professor in the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Arts, has devoted her academic research of the past 30 years to helping shape policy and awareness around sexual assault law in Canada and violence against women.

For her dedication to applying her scholarly research for the public good, Gotell, based in the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, is being recognized with the 2021 Community Scholar Award, one of three U of A Community Connections Awards.

The Community Scholar Award recognizes U of A tenure-track faculty, sessional instructors or lecturers who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to community research and scholarship by sharing and translating their area of expertise for the betterment of the community."