Susanne Luhmann named RIG Director

8 October 2018

On September 26, the University of Alberta completed the first cycle of signature and emerging area identification, endorsing Precision Health, Energy Systems, and Research at the Intersections of Gender.

We are pleased to announce that Susanne Luhmann (Women's and Gender Studies), has been named Director, Research at the Intersections of Gender (RIG).

More than 200 researchers across all 18 faculties at the U of A already conduct gender-themed, interdisciplinary, and intersectional research. RIG recognizes that gender and other aspects of identity and social belonging - race, class, age, religion, indigeneity, language, citizenship etc. - intersect and interweave, and by mobilizing the world-class gender expertise that we have at the university, RIG will build new capacity for small and large interdisciplinary research collaborations for both established and emerging researchers.

Congratulations Susanne!