WGS 498 Feminism after Genocide?

Dr. Susanne Luhmann T/Th 2:00 to 3:30 pm ESB 1 33 This course will begin from the question of what difference it makes to consider the emergence of (western) feminisms, their theories, activisms, and pedagogies, as responses to genocide. Beginning with three case studies (the transatlantic slave trade, the Holocaust, and settler colonialism) we will study how first, second, and third wave feminisms were, and arguably continue to be, animated, maybe haunted, by the difficult knowledge that these state-organized mass violences pose for past and present feminists. The larger question of this course then is: what does it mean to live and work in the aftermath (and arguably presence) of genocide? We will read a wide selection of texts (theoretical, philosophical, historical, literary etc.) to learn about these genocides and to consider the implication for social justice work today. Please click on title for course poster.

1 December 2014

feminism after genocide