Welcome to Women's and Gender Studies
Learn more About Us, meet our People, browse our Courses, discover our Undergraduate Program and our MA in Gender and Social Justice Studies Graduate Program. Keep up with Department News and Events, such as our annual Feminist Research Speaker Series.
Academic Programs
Undergraduate Program
Undergraduate students may pursue a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science Minor in WGS, a BA Major, or Honors Degree in Women's and Gender Studies. The degree path in WGS encourages students to ask big questions about the intersections of gender, sex, race, class, age, sexuality, disability, and Indigeneity as they relate to an understanding of our own and others' identities, sense of self, and positionality in the world. Students must meet the requirements for these programs as they are listed in the University Calendar.
Graduate Program
The Department of Women's and Gender Studies offers an MA program in Gender and Social Justice Studies. This degree program, normally completed in one year, is committed to intersectional analysis in historical and contemporary contexts, and focuses on interdisciplinary approaches to understanding the political, aesthetic, and ethical questions that arise from the study of gender and social justice. We invite students from all academic backgrounds with a passion for social justice to apply for (full- or part-time) admission and funding (through Graduate Assistantships).
Sexuality Studies Certificate
The Sexuality Studies Certificate is for students with an interdisciplinary interest in sex and sexuality as it intersects with other categories of identity. The certificate will aid in future employment endeavours in various sectors and give students the opportunity to add an area of specialization to their studies. The Sexuality Studies Certificate is a way to enhance any existing degree program, and is open to students in all faculties.
Message from the Chair
Welcome! The Department of Women's and Gender Studies is a hub for feminist, inclusive, intersectional, and decolonial learning, that centers Indigenous ways of knowing. Our faculty are world renowned in the field and focus on interdisciplinary approaches to understanding the political, aesthetic, activist, and ethical questions that arise from the study of gender and social justice. Our commitment to social justice centers the well-being of our students and promotes excellence in their academic work. Our minor, B.A. in Women’s and Gender Studies, and B.A. Honours program all provide a variety of different courses and research opportunities. Our Masters program in Gender and Social Justice is unique in the world with faculty and graduate students working on international development, sexuality and queer studies, critical animal and food studies, feminist religious studies, feminist cultural production, trauma and cultural memory, Indigenous health and sexuality, Black feminism and womanism, transnational feminism, feminist methods, anti-gender and anti-trans extremism, trans theory, feminist film studies, and feminist religious studies. Our graduates, both undergraduate and graduate, go on to work in a variety of fields—including—academia, law, social services, non-profit organizations, and the arts. Please explore what we have to offer and reach out with any questions.
-Talia Welsh

We are a Safe(r) Space
Gender-Affirming Statement
We, the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Alberta, are a faculty, staff, and student body that is trans-affirming and committed to feminist, inclusive, intersectional, and decolonial learning, that centers Indigenous ways of knowing and is committed to truth and reconciliation. Read more...
News + Events

Black Consiousness Affiliations in Soweto Women's Writing
Kanika Batra, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Society and Culture, University of Alberta
Friday, March 28, 2025, 2:00 p,m, MDT in ASH 3-30
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