U of A for Tomorrow Updates: November 4, 2021

4 November 2021

Here are the key U of A for Tomorrow updates from this week:

Release of the Academic Leaders Task Group Report

Under the leadership of Provost Steven Dew, the Academic Leaders Task Group has been reviewing academic leadership roles in the context of the U of A's new academic structure and operating model. Their aim has been to advise on how to best deploy one of the university's most critical resources: our professors. Today, Provost Dew shares the ALTG Report.

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Embracing self-service technologies

Technology is a critical component to administrative transformation, and leveraging the capability of technology to help us work more efficiently and effectively is integral. As we implement the new operating model to promote consistency, avoid duplication, and support a university-wide service culture, there is even more opportunity to modernize as well as further develop and embrace these technologies.

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Ask SET Anything: All Staff Edition

With the implementation of the new operating model, the university has gone through significant changes recently. We want to ensure you have an opportunity to ask questions and share feedback during this time of transition. Join President Flanagan, Vice-President (University Services & Finance) Todd Gilchrist, Vice-Provost & University Registrar Melissa Padfield, and Interim College Dean Greta Cummings for another edition of our Ask SET Anything series on Friday, November 5, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

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HR Services available through the Staff Service Centre

In July, Shared Services launched the Staff Service Centre, and phase one of HR Services available to you. As the transfer of HR activities from the Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment unit to Shared Services concludes, you may be wondering what HR services are offered by the Shared Services unit through the Staff Service Centre. Here's where to go for what you need and our most common inquiries.

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Key task forces conclude within Procurement stream

The task forces for both Event Management and Foundational Procurement concluded last week. A demo of the proposed software solution was provided to the Event Management task force members and next steps were shared. Members of the Foundational Procurement task force were provided an overview of feedback captured since the onset of the taskforce this past July, including next steps as we move towards proposed foundational procurement changes for April 1. These task forces were developed to gather feedback from the U of A community on Wave 1 projects within the Procurement stream. We would like to thank everyone who participated in these meetings and shared their valuable time, questions, comments, concerns, and feedback.



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