U of A for Tomorrow Updates: February 4, 2021

4 February 2021

Here are the key U of A for Tomorrow updates from this week:

UAT: Moving Forward

University of Alberta for Tomorrow has a bold vision: to set a new direction for the university that will renew and transform our leadership in higher education and research and drive ever greater social and economic growth, innovation and creativity for the public good of the province and beyond. Over the next six months, we will now start in earnest the implementation of UAT, with a focus on the Service Excellence Transformation (SET) initiative, building our new colleges, and integrating other core academic functions and units, including FGSR, into both. President Flanagan lays out what lies ahead for the next six months.

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Ask SET Anything: Finance Edition Recap

On Monday, the SET team hosted another edition of the Ask SET Anything event series specifically for finance staff to raise questions and share feedback with regard to finance administrative restructuring and transitioning. Much of the discussion focused on moving to the shared services model, where the work will be done, and how these changes will impact finance roles. For more information on the event, we’ve prepared a recap including the questions asked and answered, and further discussion on career growth and the finance stream’s next steps.

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The Marathon Effect

We are all surrounded by frequent change in both our work and personal lives, but this doesn't make change any easier. The William Bridges transition curve explains change throughout three different stages; stages that we all handle and move through in different ways and at different times. SET’s Change Management Specialist Megan McDougald explores how we all respond to change differently due to a phenomenon labelled, ‘the marathon effect.’

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Ask SET Anything: IT Edition

Join the SET team for another editing of our Ask SET Anything series on Friday February 19 from 2-3 p.m. This event will be specifically for IT staff to ask questions and provide feedback with regard to IT administrative restructuring and transitioning, however all staff are encouraged to attend if interested in learning more. For information on how to register or submit your questions to the SET team, visit the event page.

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Wellbeing through Change

A new Wellbeing Through Change web page highlights the resources available to faculty and staff during this period of change. Seek help, strengthen your resilience, and learn how to support colleagues. This page can be accessed from the Faculty and Staff website or the UAT site.

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