U of A for Tomorrow Updates: October 8, 2020

8 October 2020

Here are the key U of A for Tomorrow updates from this week:

Recap of Administrative Restructuring: SET Town Hall

President Bill Flanagan and Rob Munro, Executive Lead SET, provide a recap of administrative restructuring town hall.

In case you missed the town hall, you can watch the full recording below:

President's Town Hall - Service Excellence Transformation (SET)

If you missed the follow-up to the Sept 30 town hall, you can find it here.

Clarification on job losses

There is understandably a high level of concern about job losses at the University of Alberta. President Flanagan provides clarity about numbers of lost positions and what staff can anticipate will happen over the coming two years.

Learn more »

Updated Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about both academic and administrative questions have been asked at town halls, roundtables, and online. You can find answers to the most commonly asked questions on the UAT website FAQ page.

Ongoing Consultations/Engagement

We want to make sure that we communicate, engage with and respond to faculty and staff as much as possible throughout the UAT transformation. Your feedback is critical to academic and administrative restructuring, so we encourage you to share your insights through one (or more) of the avenues for consultation. Dates for roundtables with central units and portfolios will be added soon.

Learn more »



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