Update from the lead of the third-party encampment review

Lead of the independent third-party review invites members of the university community to submit information or opinions on the encampment.


Dear members of the University of Alberta community,

As the Chair of the Board of Governors announced on Tuesday, I have been appointed to conduct an independent review regarding the university’s decision to remove the encampment on May 11, 2024. Here are the Terms of Reference for the review. 

I am just beginning to learn about the events surrounding the encampment. As a result, I do not have the full picture. 

I am therefore inviting anyone who wishes to submit information or opinions about the actions taken by University administration associated with the removal of the protest encampment in the University's Quad on May 11th as follows:

  1. Send your submission in confidence by email to inreview@ualberta.ca by August 15, 2024 at 6 p.m. MDT.

  2. Title your email “Submission to Reviewer.”

  3. Sender: Please submit only one email. If the submission is from an association or group, please include a contact name and email address.

  4. Form and content: It is likely there will be submissions about what happened (facts), submissions about whether administration did or did not follow the law and policy, and submissions about the impact of administration’s decisions. You may choose the format for your submission, but below I offer some suggestions and requests:

    1. If your submission addresses what happened, I need to know not only the facts from your perspective, but also how you know what you know. Your submission of the facts will be most valuable if you tell me what you know and then explain your source for the information, whether it is from what you saw or heard, or otherwise.

    2. If your submission addresses policy or court decisions, please provide the following:

      • for policies, please ensure you have the full name of the policy and the specific section or sections that I should consider.

      • for court judgments, I need only the name and citation for the case, and any paragraphs that you want me to pay specific attention to.

    3. Please keep in mind that the scope of my review is defined by the Terms of Reference. I will not be reviewing the actions of the Edmonton City Police (para 2(b)).

The deadline for submissions is August 15, 2024 at 6 p.m. MDT. Submissions sent after that deadline will not be considered.

All submissions will be kept confidential and there will be no recriminations for cooperating with the review.

What happens next: Over the coming weeks, I will be viewing CCTV videotape from the Quad, reading, interviewing people from administration and other witnesses, and reviewing your submissions. All of that will help me create a framework for what additional steps I need to take before preparing my report.

Thank you.

C. Adèle Kent KC