Integrated portfolio announcement: University Services, Operations and Finance

President Flanagan announces the integration of facilities and operations and university services and finance into one portfolio.


On Friday, June 14, the Board of Governors passed a motion to combine the roles and responsibilities of the Office of the Vice-President, Facilities and Operations and the Office of the Vice-President, University Services and Finance under one portfolio.

Effective immediately, this integrated portfolio will be renamed University Services, Operations and Finance (USOF) to reflect the breadth of the university-wide services within this portfolio. Todd Gilchrist leads this unified portfolio as Vice-President, University Services, Operations and Finance.

Integrating these portfolios will streamline our service delivery, enhance the alignment of our executive leadership with other research-intensive universities in Canada and ensure the university’s continued long-term success.

We are committed to maintaining the continuity of these critical and important university-wide services for the university community throughout this change.

Bill Flanagan
President & Vice-Chancellor