From the Provost’s Desk: Tremendous ongoing response to long-term closure of Humanities Building

Thank you, faculty and staff, for adapting and supporting students and each other during this unexpected challenge.


Many members of the University of Alberta continue to be affected by the fire that closed the Humanities Centre for the winter term. I am grateful to all faculty, staff and students who are finding solutions and supporting each other through this unexpected challenge. 

I want to acknowledge people’s outstanding response — at every level across the U of A. We came together to ensure the required transition to alternative learning spaces was successful and as smooth as possible for everyone affected. 

Faculty, staff and students from several academic units remain agile and accommodating throughout the necessary changes, including working or learning remotely or in areas often distant from their traditional classrooms or service delivery areas. Thank you to all the teams, including the office of the Dean of Arts, Faculty of Arts Student Services, the department of English and Film Studies and several centres, institutes and other academic offices for their patience and flexibility. 

I also want to acknowledge that several teams, including Facilities & Operations and the Office of the Registrar, have gone to significant lengths to reschedule learning spaces so students can continue receiving the world-class education that the U of A is committed to delivering. University-wide services, the College of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Faculty of Arts have demonstrated strong collaboration under these challenging circumstances to mitigate their impacts. The next College Corner will have more information about how this collaboration unfolded.

I appreciate people’s understanding and adaptability as we navigate this change. I am proud of the support that we have demonstrated for each other and students throughout this disruption. 

Thank you, everyone, for all you continue to do to ensure a successful winter term for those affected by the Humanities Building disruption and across the institution.

Verna Yiu
Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

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