Report: External Review of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

Review offers recommendations for a renewed FGSR.

Triffo Hall, North Campus, University of Alberta

Last fall, I asked the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) to undertake an external review of its structure, policies, processes, and role at the university. The review — the first in 15 years — stemmed from community input and the need to engage in a more fulsome examination of the role of graduate administration in our restructured university. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are at the heart of this university, and our ability to better attract and support outstanding grad students and PDFs will be critical to the future success of the U of A.

To that end, FGSR engaged Drs. Cheryl Misak (University of Toronto), Fahim Quadir (Queen’s University) and Robin Yates (University of Calgary) to conduct this external review, meet with stakeholders and examine FGSR's current structure and function. In addition to interviewing stakeholders across the institution, the reviewers also considered the University of Alberta’s history and background, as well as the recent changes resulting from SET and the college model.

Based on this work, the reviewers have provided us with recommendations for refining FGSR that will help the U of A to become a leader in the graduate student experience and postdoctoral research support. I invite you to read their full report here.

Key Changes

Importantly, the external review reaffirms the importance of a strong, central FGSR responsible for university-wide policies and initiatives. The review also recommends that FGSR needs to undergo continuous improvements aimed at streamlining its processes and improving services for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows while effectively partnering with and supporting faculty and staff.

Some of the report’s key recommendations include:

  • Developing a comprehensive plan to define the roles and responsibilities of Colleges, Faculties and FGSR
  • Changing the name from FGSR to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs
  • Undertaking a formal review of all FGSR’s policies, procedures and communication practices
  • Forming a task force dedicated to developing a shared agenda on graduate student funding
  • Establishing a Strategic Graduate Enrolment Management Group
  • Positioning FGSR to lead a formal collaborative group focused on graduate program creation and development

The full list of recommended changes is captured in the report.

What’s Next

It’s important to note that parts of this transformation are already well underway. Some of the immediate areas of focus include:

  • Identifying professional development activities for postdoctoral fellows, including a formal supervisory development training program
  • Accelerating the transition to SLATE, a new admissions system for graduate admissions, which will enable other process improvements in grad administration
  • Working on a system for admitting exceptional applicants faster
  • Revising and clearly defining acceptable thesis formats

I am excited about the new direction for FGSR and I am confident that these changes will help us to better serve not only our graduate students and postdoctoral fellows but also the university at large. It will take time to see the effects of these changes, so we will continue to share progress as we implement them.

I would like to share my genuine gratitude with Cheryl, Fahim and Robin for their thorough review and recommendations, and my thanks with everyone who provided valuable feedback and insight throughout the review. I also want to thank Dr. Roger Epp, Interim Vice-Provost and Dean FGSR, and his office, for their oversight and coordination of the review.

Lastly, I want to thank the staff of FGSR for their efforts and contributions to the review, and for the work they do every day with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. As the report notes: the people in FGSR are a creative and dedicated team. They are well-positioned to take on the challenging task of implementing the report’s recommendations, reshaping FGSR, and positioning the U of A to be a leader in the graduate studies and postdoctoral landscape. I look forward to working with them, and with the university community, to ensure that we create a strong and vibrant experience for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.


Dr. Verna Yiu
Interim Provost and Vice-president (Academic)