2021-2022 Remote Teaching Awards
Augustana Campus
Stacy Lorenz
Dr. Lorenz made various formats of instruction and assignments available to students to give them more control of their learning environment, resulting in a deep engagement with course material.
Stephanie Oliver
Dr. Oliver’s unique approach to replicating the in-person experience involved bringing scent into the lessons through topics like aging books and the business of fragrance.
Campus Saint-Jean
David Vergote
Compassion and creativity were cornerstones of Dr. Vergote’s instructional style, including filming videos on-location to depict class concepts and meeting students individually.
Faculty of Arts
Kristen Burton
By effectively using Zoom communication functions and maintaining a digital open door policy, students across Dr. Burton’s courses felt seen and heard.
Lisa Claypool
In addition to adding new course content to represent diverse perspectives, Dr. Claypool used the move to online to incorporate experiential opportunities.
Ben Dyson
Dr. Dyson set up advanced digital applications to demonstrate the courses’ psychology concepts while inviting students to learn through live data.
Hassan Masoud
Dr. Masoud accommodated students’ various learning styles in his courses by adjusting the format and number of assignments–and he handled his share of the increased marking it created.
Laurel Parsons
Students looked forward to attending Dr. Parsons’ virtual classes thanks to her use of engaging course content, such as guest speakers and energizing activities.
Silvia Sgaramella
Silvia Sgaramella effectively translated the course goal of developing communication into the digital environment by maximizing her use of the functions available in Zoom and eClass.
Lisa Strocschein
While accommodating students in different timezones by teaching asynchronously, Dr. Strohschein ensured the class was still engaging by offering dynamic assignments and course content.
Chloe Taylor
In addition to instructing, Dr. Taylor demonstrated her course content by creating accessible, innovative platforms to teach Critical Disability Studies and other courses.
Faculty of Engineering
Bryan Rapati
Mr. Rapati led a team that supported the faculty in creating hybrid courses so Engineering students could participate whether they attended in-person or online.
Faculty of Native Studies
Nancy Van Styvendale
Dr. Van Styvendale successfully delivered a community service-learning course remotely and ensured students still received the mentorship and feedback they needed to grow.
Faculty of Nursing
Kristin Zelyck
Professor Zelyck encouraged students to use a growth mindset, and did so herself by trying new formats from video to podcasts to present course content.
Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
Ava Chow
Dr. Chow gamified her courses to make the technical anatomy content she was teaching interesting and easier to learn.
Instructors from the Department of Pediatrics (incl. Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky) and Department of Medicine, MED 513: Endocrinology and Metabolism
The instructors, administrative staff and students involved in this course collectively took advantage of making the most of their digital time together by participating in activities that are challenging in-person due to the large class size.
Faculty of Science
Ronald Batallas, Dr. Maya Evenden and Victor Shegelski, ENT 220: Insect Biology
The teaching team offered such creative and interactive learning activities and assignments that some have been integrated into subsequent semesters.
Dr. Jillian Buriak and Dr. Jason Cooke, CHEM 333: Inorganic Materials Chemistry
This instructional team focussed on mental and physical health in the online lecture components and in-person lab sessions, respectively, ensuring both were safe and welcoming.
Kyle Foster
Responsible for multiple courses last year, Mr. Foster designed interactive class activities that made concepts tangible and encouraged participation with the content and other students.
Matthew Guzdial
Dr. Guzdial was incredibly responsive while teaching remotely, using platforms like Discord to make up for the loss of in-person touchpoints.