Technology Transfer Services Moves Back to the University

As of October 1, university technology management functions that previously resided in TEC Edmonton have been repatriated to the…

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In For the Public GoodFor the Public Good, our community collectively called for strategies to support a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship at the U of A, and to enhance translational initiatives. As of October 1, university technology management functions that previously resided in TEC Edmonton have been repatriated to the university. This new unit is named Technology Transfer Services (TTS), and resides in the VP Research and Innovation (VPRI) portfolio. Repatriating technology transfer services is an important step towards building upon our innovation ecosystem. You can learn more about the future of our community’s innovation ecosystem in the Innovation Task Force’s 2020 Report.

The new unit will continue to provide technology management services to UAlberta’s researchers and inventors — namely, they help you to disclose an invention, assess its patentability, file intellectual property, license out a technology, negotiate contracts, and more.

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About 95% of TEC Edmonton’s technology transfer business came from our university. Repatriating technology transfer services offers the best way to make these services more effective for the U of A community. The move enables better integration with the U of A, and its existing units and infrastructure — such as the UAlberta Health Accelerator, ThresholdImpact University of Alberta Venture Mentoring Services, the Elko Engineering Garage, eHub, the Student Innovation Centre, and The Pod — and will help us to streamline technology transfer services where possible.

The university’s budget cut was also a factor — the university funded TEC Edmonton to deliver these services and repatriation will enable us to better align and streamline operational processes and realize greater efficiencies.

TEC Edmonton is a joint venture between the University of Alberta and the City of Edmonton and we remain a partner. Although the U of A is resuming responsibility for technology transfer services, TEC Edmonton will continue with its business development services, mainly supporting later-stage companies that have reached the growth phase of their lifecycle. The U of A will continue to work with TEC, handing off support as businesses reach later stages.