Have You Met Amanda, Graphic Designer for Campus Design and Print Solutions? Spend a few minutes getting to know her a little better.
Where is your favourite place on campus?
In the winter I’ll find a quiet spot in CCIS where it’s sunny to spend my breaks. In the summer I like the pond over by Rutherford Library. I love the ducks, geese, and wildlife, and the sound of the water is so peaceful.
Tablet or Paper?
Paper. I use both, but I enjoy the connection with paper. Because I work on a screen all the time I like to have a break, and I’m more likely to explore creatively if I’m using paper.
What is one thing you’ve brought to work from home?
Fountain pens. I like writing with them, and the tactical experience with paper is just a different way to express my writing.
What is one thing you can’t live without?
Food. Throughout the day I like to snack, and I like to cook and bake a lot so food is a big part of who I am. I like to share food with other people, like my coworkers. I find food is a good way to connect with others over heritage, tradition, and things you like. It’s kind of a conversation starter to say “hey, I made something, want to try it?” I’ll bring in cookies, pies. I like to bake but I can’t eat it all!
If you won airfare anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Ireland. My family is from there and I’ve always wanted to see it. I feel a strong connection to it. I’d also like to visit the British Isles and Norway, they just feel like fun places to go explore and I could do some great hiking.
If you could invite anyone, real or fictional, alive or dead, to dinner, who would it be?
I think Nikola Tesla would be really interesting to talk to about what’s happening with technology these days. He obviously had a lot of ideas that were really revolutionary and he seems like an interesting character. I wonder what he would think about a company being named after him.
If you could switch jobs with someone on campus, who would it be?
I’d like to switch jobs with some of the librarians. I love books and I think it would be interesting to go through the archives. Working in the Bruce Peel Special Collections would be fun.
What does “Uplifting the Whole People” mean to you?
It means that everyone is moving forward together and really being aware of the differences between people and embracing those differences.
What three words best describe your U of A experience?
Fun — We have a lot of fun in this department.
Friendly — Everyone I’ve met has been really great.
Challenging — I love that I get to do new things every day. I get to be a problem solver, there’s never a dull moment.
About Amanda
Amanda is a graphic designer, marketer and Jill of all communicative trades for Campus Design and Print Solutions. She has a background in visual arts, business, web development, print production and copy writing, and is in the process of completing her BBA. When she’s not solving design problems, you can find her riding her bike through the river valley, sketching, baking or jam-making under the close supervision of her cats, Sleepy and Sherlock.